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关于理念论文范文 社会共治理念下食品安全监管体系相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:理念论文 更新时间:2024-03-04


摘 要:我国食品生产和销售领域大量出现的食品违法行为对我国现行的食品安全监管体制和规则提出了巨大挑战,但也不可否认,科学技术对食品产业的进步起到了很大的推动作用.针对运用于食品领域的新型科学技术,社会应该有一个正确的态度,监管者也应该科学监管.新《食品安全法》确立了社会共治基本原则.在此原则下,通过社会各方面的共同参与,克服过去在单一行政监管、分头监管、分散监管等模式下的弊端,建立起有效的社会协同监管体系,具有重大的理论价值和实践意义.实现社会共治理念下的食品安全监管,必须完善我国的食品安全监管法律体系,理顺食品安全监管体制,科学制定食品安全标准和风险评估制度.只有这样,方可最终形成政府和社会共同参与、能够为社会民众普遍接受的食品安全社会共治局面,保护民众的食品安全利益和国家公共利益也才能成为现实.


Towards Food Safety Supervision System under the Concept of Social Co-Governance Based on

Legal Thinking of the Glue Beef Steak Event


(College of International Law, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088, China)

Abstract: The occurrence of a large number of illegal activities related to food production and distribution in China has posed a great challenge to the current food safety supervision system and rules of the country. However, it is undeniable that science and technology greatly facilitate the advancement of the food industry. The society should have a correct attitude towards new technologies applied in the food area and they should be under scientific supervision of the regulators. The new Food Safety Law establishes the fundamental principle of social co-governance. Under this principle, the establishment of an efficient cooperative regulatory system with the participation of all walks of life is of great theoretical value and practical significance to overcome the shortcomings of the previous models of single administrative supervision, separate supervision and decentralized supervision. For food safety regulation under the concept of social co-governance, the country must improve its legal system for food safety regulation, straighten out its food safety regulatory system, and scientifically formulate food safety standards and risk assessment system. Only in this way, can a good situation of food safety co-regulation be formed in which both the government and the society participate and which is widely accepted by the public, thereby protecting public health interests and national interests.

Key words: food safety; regulation; social co-governance


中圖分类号:D669.3 文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-8123(2017)03-0062-05


周航. 社会共治理念下食品安全监管体系研究——基于对胶水牛排事件的法律思考[J]. 肉类研究, 2017, 31(3): 62-66. DOI:10.7506/rlyj1001-8123-201703012. http://www.rlyj.pub

ZHOU Hang. Towards food safety supervision system under the concept of social co-governance based on legal thinking of the glue beef steak event[J]. Meat Research, 2017, 31(3): 62-66. DOI:10.7506/rlyj1001-8123-201703012. http://www.rlyj.pub



1、 食品安全监管法律制度 摘 要:食品安全不仅关系着人们的生活质量,更直接着关系着人们的身体健康。随着我国社会经济的高速发展,各种社会矛盾和问题也暴露出来,其中食品安全问。

2、 食品安全监管渎职罪法律适用若干问题 摘要:科学理解和准确适用《刑法修正案(八)》所增设的食品监管渎职罪,才能有效惩治和防范食品安全监管机关工作人员的渎职犯罪,着力提高食品安全水平。。

3、 国外食品安全监管经验做法 摘 要:目前,食品安全已然成为全球范围内高度关注的公共安全问题。美国、加拿大等国家纷纷增强了食品安全监管工作,并开展了相关监管行动计划,进而促使。

4、 加强县区乡镇食品安全监管队伍建设 摘 要 本文选取陕西省略阳县为研究对象,调查研究机构改革后略阳县乡镇食品安全监管队伍的现状。调查后发现,乡镇市场监督管理所(食品药品监督管理所)。

5、 中国食品安全监管问题现状简析 摘要:近年来,我国进入食品安全事件频发期。“三聚氰胺”奶粉、“苏丹红”辣酱、瘦肉精、毒生姜、地沟油……“问题食品”之多、涉及范围之广、造成影响之。

6、 食品安全监管国际经验比较其路径选择 摘要: 食品安全监管是近年来社会关注的焦点与热点之一。通过对食品安全监管国际经验研究成果的评述,发现已有文献主要集中在监管模式、制度特点、机制设。