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关于高中英语论文范文 高中英语学习方法相关论文写作参考文献

分类:文献综述 原创主题:高中英语论文 更新时间:2024-03-09


【摘 要】學习高中英语,方法非常重要.笔者认为,应积极结成兴趣小组,增强交际动机;利用词汇卡片,提高记忆效果; 注重生活积累,提高写作水平.

【关键词】英语 学习方法 高中












A Study of Senior High School English Learning

【Abstract】The method is very important in the high school English learning. In the point of the author, enhance interpersonal motivation by the formation of interest groups firstly. Secondly, students’ learning ability should be cultivated with project activities as the support. Thirdly, students’ learning interest should be improved by using card display as the carrier. Fourthly, improve the writing level by the accumulation of daily material

【Key words】English; learning methods; high school

The method is very important in the high school English learning. Therefore, the study of high school English learning method has important practical significance.

Firstly, enhance interpersonal motivation by the formation of interest groups.

In the English classroom learning, students should enhance the students’ English communication motive by taking the interest group as the unit. In this process, students must first use the context, select the appropriate topic and clear jointly learning tasks. Secondly, the students should participate in the study group in depth to actively communicate with the students and jointly solve the problems. In addition, the problem that can not be solved, the students should promptly consult teachers and sum up the conclusions of value.

Secondly, improve memory effect by displaying vocabulary cards.

Vocabulary is the basic unit of English learning content. Students only master the English vocabulary flexible use of English vocabulary to organize appropriate sentences so that communicate oothly. However, in the actual learning process, memorizing vocabulary is so boring and poor understanding that the English vocabulary learning is very difficult. Therefore, in the process of students ‘vocabulary memory training, students use the card display to improve the effect of English vocabulary memories according to their own learning habits and students’ knowledge range, cognitive level, learning thinking characteristics.



1、 新课改背景下高中英语学习方法 高中课程中,英语属于是基础课程,也是在高考中拉分的学科。英语学习中,主要的学习内容是听力、阅读、口语、写作和翻译。作为高中学生,能够深刻认识到英。

2、 汉语思维在高中英语学习中带来的影响和解决方法 【摘要】在高中教学中,英语是极其重要的一门学科。对于许多高中生而言,英语的学习也是有一定难度的。英语区别于其他学科,它是一种语言,并且和汉语的思。

3、 高中英语学习中文化渗透方式 摘 要:语言属于一种典型的交际工具,也是文化的载体,由于每一个国家有着不同的发展历史和价值观念,因此,其文化也表现出了显著的差异,在英语学习中,。

4、 高中英语学习方法心得 摘 要:高中生活对于大多数学生来讲就是一个新的起点,所以在这个学习阶段,科学的学习方法就显得尤为重要。在学习的过程中,如果学习方法使用得当,我们。

5、 高中英语学习氛围营造措施 [摘要]在全球经济一体化的背景下,英语学科的重要性日益凸显,高中阶段是我们学习英语的重点阶段,要学好英语,不仅要讲求方法,还要营造出特定的英语学。

6、 高中英语学习体会和总结 【摘要】英语是高中学习中的三大主要学科之一,在高考中具有重要的位置。同时英语是一门实用性的语言,是人们进行沟通和交流的工具,需要在一定的环境中进。