
关于中产论文范文 蚁族中产未来相关论文写作参考文献

分类:专科论文 原创主题:中产论文 更新时间:2024-02-09


Just as it difficult to define middle-class people, it is also difficult to give all the reasons of the phenomena of Ant Tribe. But the group really exists in Beijing people’s life and become larger when the graduation seasons come. Before listing the common characteristics of Ant Tribe group, I would like to pose some questions to less than five years’ college graduates? Do you think you can work hard for a better life? Do you think you can work hard for your dream? Most people will say “Yes”. From kindergarten to university, we are taught to work hard on studies and if we study hard we must can have a better life and realize our dream. However, it is a society question to accomplish teachers’ and parents’ promise. Society teaches us “Life is tough.”, while school teaches us “Life could be different if you work hard.” We have to trust school, because we can not easily change the society.

In this paper I would like to give my answer to the very beginning question—the title from three aspects: The first is the status quo of Ant Tribe and comparison with middleman minority in Edna Bonacich theory ; and secondly how could Ant Tribe conclude sojourning life and enter a seemingly middle-class life?; and the third is resources concentration and Ant Tribe’s choice.

The status quo of Ant Tribe

The media is unanimous on describing the life of Ant Tribe: dwelling together in Beijing’s suburbs, college graduates, low revenue. Besides, most Ant Tribe come from rural areas’ ordinary family and most of them are at the age from 22 to 30, notably the 80s’. Their jobs are often not stable, so are their rented rooms. Most of them do premier technical and serving jobs such as insurance sales, electronic components sales, after-sales services, broadcasting and restaurants etc.

Ant Tribe life is a magical experience that could carry you to the dream land. There are so many chances in the capital Beijing. Before coming to Beijing, most graduates heard about the story that one of their relative or some name has accomplished a lot in Beijing and you could be better. The dreaming is such alluring that you thought Beijing is the most suitable city for you, no others at all!

Ant Tribe life is also a transparent experience that one could stop to think about is worthiness because most Ant Tribe are too tired with life, work, and all kinds of emotions.

Ant Tribe life is a group of people who live with the future. All they do and sacrifice now is for their dreaming beautiful future.

Ant Tribes life is not easy and even really hard. Among the group of Ant Tribe, there are some green hands of life and work. They just graduate from colledge and live together in slams like ants. And there are also those who live in narrow and humid basement like mouse. According to China Daily’s report, “The mouse tribe, known as the shuzu, are thought to number about 1 million and are well known for living in some of the 1,374 civil air defense shelters beneath the city.” Besides mouse tribe, ant tribe mentioned above, in this big city Beijing, there are also other kinds of people who live like pendulum clan who communicate between cities, those live like code-copying clan who are fantastic about on-line shopping, those live as pressure-free clan who want to escape the great pressure of big city, those who lost work enthusiasm like over-drained clan and those who can live balanced and shining life like rainbow clan.



1、 中国明确未来五年金融工作任务 要把发展直接融资放在重要位置全国金融工作会议7月14日至15日在北京召开。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平出席会议并发表重要讲话。。

2、 脱欧判开启英国未来不明 国际贸易和投资谈判通常是双赢谈判,两方就共同收益的分配做出让步;脱欧则是个双输谈判,为怎样将损失最小化进行讨价还价。6月19日对英国首相特雷莎。

3、 资产管理业演进和未来 像家具业被宜家改变、手机被苹果重新定义一样,投资业并非一成不变。年轻的资管行业应从需求和供给的巨大落差中反思,从多和少的极致中寻找演进的路径在。

4、 未来能否人人有工作 随着人工智能、信息通信等前沿技术逐渐向人类社会生活渗透,“机器替代方案”变成了人们最想看到、也最怕看到的场景。“哪些工作会在10年、20年内被替。

5、 中日关系未来 中日关系在经历了几年的“冰河期”之后,终于在2017年出现了一定程度的“解冻”迹象。今年正逢《中日和平友好条约》签署40周年,中日两国均有意利用。

6、 货币竞争梦想、现实和未来 所谓私人货币竞争体制,也称自由银行体制,指的是由私人银行竞争性发行货币。古代最早的货币是私人货币。与此相应,古代很多地方存在私人货币竞争。那时候。