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分类:硕士论文 原创主题:旧话重提论文 更新时间:2024-01-24



Yet another book on China’s low-income community of college graduates has come out, by Professor Lian Si, the celebrated author of Ant Tribe. He has now released a sequel—Ant Tribe II: Whose Time?

The title was inspired by a letter from He Ming, who considers himself an ant emotionally though he lives a much better life than those crowding in Tangjialing, a village on the outskirts of Beijing.

“Everybody in this society feels insecure,” he said. “Ants are materially shaky(不可靠的) and the second-generation rich are morally insecure.”

The first book in the series—a comprehensive report on Beijing’s humble graduates struggling to live in a glamorous city—became an overnight sensation(轰动).

Latest statistics show that the life of the ant tribe, despite widespread public concern, has become even more difficult.

With an average monthly salary of 1,904 yuan, 80 percent of the ants can hardly make ends meet by spending 1,867 yuan on rent, food and communication.

They pay 411 yuan for sharing small, rented apartments, higher than in 2008 and 2009 due to the surging house prices.

Around 83 percent of the ants choose to stay in big cities for more opportunities to fulfill their dreams, while 10 percent do it for their family. Only 0.4 percent expect to look good as a city-dweller.

Nearly 30 percent of the ants graduated from key universities. The survey indicates a worsening employment situation as 7.2 percent of the ants have a master’s degree and 50 percent have a bachelor’s degree.

Lian is surprised to find that more interviewees blame society for their misfortune, while fewer think they are personally responsible for their plight.

However, many suspect the “ant tribe” to be a pseudo-problem(心理问题) and one created by media hype(大肆宣传). Others criticized Lian’s statistical method as flawed and feared that it may have a bad influence with ants getting too much sympathy.

An ant from Tangjialing wrote an open letter to Lian and the media, asking them not to look down on the ants and leave them alone, because “we are either poor or weak, and we are only going through a particular period of life.”

Lian fears that the ants pose a potential threat to society, especially if they become victims of social injustice. “Therefore we should study them, listen to them and help them to become part of the society and live with respect,” he writes.



1、 瓜节话旧 第二十九届大兴西瓜节正在进行时。1988年,大兴县政府将每年6月28日定为西瓜节,并于当年6月28日这一天举办了北京大兴县首届西瓜节,2001。

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4、 30年后重话大国兴衰专访大国的兴衰作者保罗肯尼迪 保罗·肯尼迪,耶鲁历史系资深教授,1987年出版《大国的兴衰》预测美国走向相对衰落。31年间,沧海几回换了桑田。倘若重写此书,他的主要观点有无。

5、 我话事,共创造! 【本刊综合报道】2016年8月19日,第二届香港青年服务领袖奖奖励计划在城市大学梁高玉德演讲厅举行“青年领袖评选日”活动,是次计划由全港14个青。

6、 战狼2成为首部跻身全球票房100强的中国影片 8月14日,据猫眼实时票房数据显示,《战狼2》票房已达45 25亿人民币,按照人民币与美元汇率对比,票房达到6 793亿美元。加上国际票房,《战。