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关于新能源汽车论文范文 分析新能源汽车在北京市场制约因素相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:新能源汽车论文 更新时间:2024-04-10


摘 要:北京指定的新能源汽車示范和推广城市,它高度重视新能源汽车产业的发展.自2013年以来,中国政府已引入了许多新能源汽车推广政策,并投入了大量的人力和物力在新能源汽车的研发和推广.然而,中国新能源汽车产业还不成熟,所以在北京新能源汽车的发展也遇到了一些问题在技术、市场、工业化和政策支持等等.本文重点分析了在北京新能源汽车的市场制约因素.目前,有许多因素阻碍新能源汽车的发展.市场推广而言,有一些内部问题和外部压力在北京的市场推广新能源汽车.内部问题是基础设施不足和宣传.外部压力的挤压是地方保护主义的市场空间和外国品牌的竞争:

Abstract: Beijing is the designated new energy vehicle demonstration and promotion city, which attaches great importance to the development of new energy vehicle industry. Since 2013, Beijing has introduced dozens of new energy vehicle promotion policy, and invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the research and development and promotion of new energy vehicles. However, Beijing"s new energy vehicle industry is not yet mature, so the development of new energy vehicles in Beijing has also encountered some problems in technology, market, industrialization and policy support and so on. This article focuses on analyzing the market restricting factors of new energy vehicles in Beijing.At present, there are many factors hindering the development of new energy vehicles. As far as market promotion is concerned, there are some internal problems and external pressures in the market promotion of new energy vehicles in Beijing. The internal problems are inadequate infrastructure and publicity. External pressures are the squeeze of local protectionism on the market space and the competition of foreign brands:


Key words:new energy vehicles; Market promotion; Technology research and development

文章编号:1004-7026(2018)07-0139-02 中国图书分类号:F426.471 文献标志码:A

1 Constraints on product promotion in the local market

The new energy vehicles need a system of matching facilities. These include the commercial operation of charging facilities, the pricing mode of charging fees and so on. If the construction of these facilities is not in place, the promotion of new energy vehicles itself will be difficult to carry out rapidly.

Currently, it’s very inconvenient to charge the new energy vehicle. There are nearly 22000 charging piles1 in Beijing. In recent years, although the charging pile has increased rapidly2, it still faces a huge market vacancy. According to the forecast, by 2020, the total demand for charging piles in Beijing will exceed 400 thousand. Not only is the number of charging piles far from enough, but also many of the charging piles have been unusable. Relevant departments lack supervision and maintenance. Many car owners say they are disappointed. The utilization of charging pile is low, queuing time is long and the charging speed is slow, which might make private consumers not consider buying new energy vehicles. This is the case where the use of new energy vehicles in the public sector has been relatively smooth and private consumers are buying relatively less new energy vehicles. Therefore, it is very important to solve the problems such as the construction of supporting facilities.



1、 逆转油价点燃新能源汽车市场 据路透社报道,美国原油价格12日收盘大幅上涨2 5%,报每桶60 75美元,主要由于美元汇率下跌,以及欧佩克(OPEC)小幅上调了对全球原油需求。

2、 新能源汽车何时走出政策市场 在市场竞争日趋激烈、國际化竞争由扩张规模向追求品质的转变过程中,中国新能源车能否避免重蹈燃油车大而不强的覆辙,新能源车产业体系能否经受住考验,中。

3、 新能源汽车:向市场政策双驱动转型 在产业发展孕育期,政府是新能源汽车第一推动力。以2015年新能源汽车超过当年汽车产销量1 5%为标志,表明国家的鼓励和支持政策已趋完善,得到大多。

4、 中线继续深挖新能源汽车产业链 业绩还是核心投资逻辑主持人:题材股出现调整,权重股和周期股表现相对稳定。很多投资者又产生困惑了:这风格是不是又要切换了?袁月:现在根本不存在。

5、 欣锐科技具备优势地位新能源汽车车载电源制造商 历经十年,欣锐科技已在业务实践与拓展中积累了丰富的行业经验和优质客户资源,并确立了车载电源领域的优势地位。深圳欣锐科技股份有限公司(下称“欣锐。

6、 新能源汽车心脏之争 没有硝烟的战场战意最浓。中国一直是世界汽车工业中的追赶者,而新能源汽车革命席卷全球给了后来者弯道超车的机会。谁能掌握动力电池的技术和产业化,谁。