
关于灰霉病论文范文 广西三七灰霉病流行规律药剂筛选相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:灰霉病论文 更新时间:2024-01-25


摘 要 对广西三七灰霉病的典型病斑进行分离培养、致病性检测,通过形态学观察并结合rDNA-ITS序列分析鉴定病原菌;通过室内及田间试验研究了温湿度对菌丝生长、孢子萌发的影响,以及病害的病程和病斑显症率,并对不同立地条件、不同生长年限三七灰霉病的发生规律进行调查;最后采用菌丝生长速率法研究了15种杀菌剂对病原菌的抑制作用.结果表明,三七灰霉病病原菌为灰葡萄孢菌(Botrytis cinerea);菌丝生长、孢子形成及萌发的最适温度为20 ℃,孢子萌发需要高湿度,低于100%湿度不萌发;不同季节、不同生长年限三七的病程为5~13 d,病斑在田间的持续显症期为6 d;三七灰霉病在三七生长期都能发生,10~11月份为发生高峰期,其中不同立地条件下的发病严重度顺序为旱地>坡地>林下,不同生长年限下的顺序为3年生三七>2年生三七>1年生三七;咯菌腈、嘧菌环胺和嘧菌酯、氟硅唑对病原菌的菌丝生长抑制率达100%.

关键词 三七 灰霉病 灰葡萄孢 发生规律 药剂筛选

中圖分类号 S567.23+6 文献标识码 A

Occurrence of Panax notoginseng Grey Mould and Selection

of Funficides in Guangxi

JIANG Ni, CHEN Qianping, FENG Shixin, WEI Shugen, MIU Jianhua, SONG Lisha

Guangxi Botanical Garden of Medicine Plant, Nanning, Guangxi 530023, China

Abstract In the study, the pathogen of Panax notoginseng Grey was isolated and cultured. Moreover, single spore isolates, morphological observation, pathogenicity test, and combined with molecular biology methods were used to identify the pathogen. Mycelium growth, spore germination, the course of the disease and the lesion appearance rate were studied in the laboratory and field;The disease occurrence was studied in the P. notoginseng gardens of different site conditions and different growing years. The inhibitory rates of 15 fungicides were tested using the mycelium growth rate method. The results indicaded that the pathogen was Botrytis cinerea. The proper temperature for mycelium growth, spore formation and germination was 20 ℃; Conidia did not germinate in the condition of relative humidity bellow 100%; The development of the disease was different for P. notoginseng of different age and different season, and the period of symptomatic appearance of the disease was about 6 d; The disease occurred during the whole growth period of the host plants, and the disease peak was from October to November; The disease severity was dryland>slope>under forest, and that for growing ages was three years>two years>one year; Four kinds of fungicides including fludioxonil, cyprodinil, azoxystrobin, and flusilazole showed high inhibitory rates of 100% on B. cinerea.

Key words Panax notoginseng; grey mould; Botrytis cinerea; occurrence; screening of fungicides

doi 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2017.09.022

中药材三七[Panax notoginseng(Burk.)F.H. Chen]又称田七,为五加科人参属植物三七的干燥根茎,主产于云南、广西,号称“南人参之王”,具有散瘀止血、消肿定痛等功效,被《本草纲目》、历版《药典》等经典文献收录[1-2].三七性喜温凉、阴湿的生长环境,易诱发根腐病、黑斑病、炭疽病、灰霉病等多种病害,给三七的栽培生产造成严重影响[3].随着三七市场价格的调整,2010年始广西百色市靖西、那坡等多地普种三七,上述病害频繁发生,特别是2012~2015年期间在靖西县禄峒乡、新靖乡曾两度流行三七灰霉病,造成叶片大量脱落,植株枯死,药农损失惨重.



1、 2018年禽病流行规律注意事项 摘 要:近年来,禽病的不断发生一直困扰着养殖户,在养殖生产过程中,新病不断出现、旧病不断发展的现象日益突出。本文就家禽发病规律及注意事项展开论述。

2、 小麦赤霉病防治药剂筛选试验 摘要 为了筛选安全高效的小麦赤霉病防治药剂,研究了75%肟菌·戊唑醇水分散粒剂、40%戊唑·咪鲜胺微乳剂、30%唑醚·戊唑醇悬浮剂、25%氰烯菌。

3、 临泉县小麦赤霉病重发原因调查防治药剂筛选 摘要 介绍了临泉县小麦赤霉病重发情况,分析重发原因,总结了小麦赤霉病防治药剂筛选试验结果,分析了防治过程中存在的问题,以期为当地小麦赤霉病防治提。

4、 广西小微企业金融服务 【摘要】做好小微企业金融服务工作、服务地方实体经济,特别是做好小微企业贷款服务和培植管理工作,是金融机构落实监管部门小企业贷款“三个不低于”的要。

5、 沪港深基金整体遭遇净赎回,如何筛选这类基金 从近日公布的公募基金二季报上看,沪港深基金整体净赎回份额达到109 73亿份,其中规模在20亿以上的沪港深基金净赎回份额达92 72亿份,这引发。

6、 霍金在流行文化中印记 3月14日,理论物理学巨匠史蒂芬·霍金去世。尽管长期处于瘫痪状态,这位物理学家仍充满了拥抱生活的勇气。不只是在物理学领域对引力奇点和黑洞力学研究。