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分类:电大论文 原创主题:彩虹论文 更新时间:2024-01-14



Cancun is a city located on the northeast coast of the Yucatán Peninsula in the state of Quintana Roo state in Mexico, and is regarded as the gate to the Mayan civilization. In Mayan language, "Cancun" means " an earthenware jar hung on one end of the rainbow", and it was so named because a rainbow appears in the sky after a shower. Here, you can find exotic flowers and plants, rare animals and the soft Caribbean white sand beach. On the beautiful beach stand the world"s top resort hotels. They are adjacent to the sea, and attract tourists from all over the world with their unique charms.


Rosewood Mayakoba

A Pristine Sanctuary by the Caribbean


在墨西哥海度假胜地里维埃拉玛雅 (Riviera Maya) 的绿色莽林与纯白沙滩之中,有一处远离尘嚣之所,诠释着世间罕见的奢华与惊世骇俗的魅力,这就是玛雅哥巴瑰丽酒店.



当然,瑰丽酒店独属的Sense水疗是不可错过的.玛雅哥巴瑰丽酒店拥有12间豪华理疗室与8间私人水疗套房,环灰岩坑而建.灰岩坑由地下水系与淡水洞穴构成,被玛雅人看作是通往地下世界的神圣入口.Mayan Healing Hands是玛雅文化中传统的理疗项目,在萨满道士的引导下,身体、情感、精神与环境融为一体,达到一种平衡与和谐的状态.

Sitting along a mile-long arc of white sand with an exotic jungle as the backdrop, a sanctuary shines with stunning natural beauty and pure refinement in Riviera Maya, the famous Caribbean resort in Mexico—Meet the soul captivating Rosewood Mayakoba.

Rosewood Mayakoba has 130 ultra-luxury suites, all of which are strikingly modern in design yet crafted from indigenous materials, and are fused in harmony with the resort"s lush natural surroundings. You can choose to arrive at the suite by an authentic river boat or golf cart where a private butler awaits and welcomes you with a glass of Tequila. Before long, you are completely refreshed without any sign of trel fatigue.

By the end of 2015, the resort unveiled four new two-bedroom Mayakoba Suites, ideal for families and multi-generational trel. The luxurious Beachside Lagoon Suites are outfitted with a two-person hammock, chaise lounges, and a dining table for a residential feel inside and out. The hotel also features five restaurants offering authentic Mexican food.

The exclusive Sense, A Rosewood Spa? is not to be missed. This spa center in Rosewood Mayakoba features 12 luxurious lagoon-side treatment rooms and eight private spa suites built around a cenote, an underground natural wonder of river systems and fresh water ces that the Mayans consider to be a sacred entrance to the underworld. Mayan Healing Hands is a traditional Mayan holistic healing treatment featuring a shaman guide, designed to interconnect the body, mind, emotions, spirit and environment to heal and restore balance and harmony in one"s life.



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