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分类:技师论文 原创主题:宝格丽论文 更新时间:2024-01-09



On top of the 150-meter-high Uluwatu cliff at picturesque Jimbaran Bay, the Bulgari Resort Bali is setting a new standard of luxury hospitality in Bali with the addition of 5 exclusive Mansions combining the ultimate comfort of private villas with the natural local charms.

忠于原地True To The Place

宅院由意大利设计师事务所Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel and Partners打造,以巴厘岛文化和建筑艺术为灵感,彻底呈现巴厘岛风情,并为之注入宝格丽品牌独到的奢华和现代意大利设计的品质.地道的本土元素使豪宅清新自然,和谐融入原地美景之中.当地原产的palimanan石经手工切割搭建花园和内墙;室内采用爪哇bangkiray硬木,呈现精致的本土奢侈;装饰房间的精美织物、器皿摆件,皆由设计师邀请当地艺术家设计制作,装饰出原汁原味的巴厘岛风情.浑然天成的巴厘式美感之中,顶级视听品牌Bang&Olufsen家庭影院等现代化的设备为宅院带来了活力.

Designed by the Italian architectural firm Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel and Partners, these mansions are directly inspired by the Balinese culture and architecture. They harmoniously blend Balinese style with the luxury of BVLGARI brand and refined, typically Italian design. Indigenous elements have been expressed to perfectly integrate the mansions to local environment. The garden and indoor walls have been built with hand-cut palimanan rock, while the sophisticated nuances of bangkiray, a Javanese mahogany, give the interior of the mansions a luxurious feel. Decorative details such as the stemware, ceramics and woven fabrics are designed and produced in Bali by a team of local artists. Top brand Bang & Olufsen Video & Audio and other modern facilities bring energy to the Balinese mansions.

极致空间The Utmost Space


These three to five bedrooms Mansions range from 1,710 square meters to 4,415 square meters. The grand space brings the ultimate luxury and comfort. Both the master bedroom and the guest bedrooms have a foyer, a study and walk-in closets. A traditional Balinese roof makes the living room as spacious as a palace. A tropical garden outside has the best view of the Indian ocean, where several wood posts carved with traditional pattern further enhance the scenery. Each mansion has its own two-tiered heated swimming pool surrounded by sun decks and a gazebo. Inspired by rice paddies, the pool have been lined with the green hues of Sukabumi stone. The mansions of the Bulgari Resort Bali will definitely be the perfect choice for family holiday or travelling with group of friends.



1、 舒淇出任BVLGARI宝格丽SetheChildren慈善大使 著名女星舒淇在2015年成为BVLGARI宝格丽大中华区女表代言人之后,再次受邀出任宝格丽Save the Children慈善项目大使,同时。

2、 BVLGARI宝格丽SS17春夏配饰系列新品发布 意大利顶级珠宝腕表品牌宝格丽于北京瑰丽酒店倾情发布2017春夏配饰系列。以热情浪漫的地中海伊甸园为设计灵感,本季配饰系列传承精工之美,延续宝格丽。

3、 行业首获美白特证高姿引领大美白时代 “一白遮三丑”,对于亚洲女性而言,自古以来便以白为美,而东方人对于美白功效产品的探索也从未停止。自20世纪60年代开始,日本就开启了美白护肤产。

4、 支付宝账单事件店大欺客终会作茧自缚 最近,有两条与信息安全有关的新闻,牵动了公众的神经。一则是“支付宝年度账单”默认用户同意《芝麻服务协议》,账单查询服务悄然变成了套取公民个人信息。

5、 沂蒙山小调里大美中国梦 硝烟弥漫中英勇奋起,建设国家时争先恐后,印证一个民族的本色。为捍卫民族尊严和国家主权寸土不让,为强国富民改革开放广纳四方,这是一方人民本色的昂。

6、 硅谷死敌玛格丽特·维斯塔格:并购审查重点关注大数据垄断 因一系列针对科技巨头公司的处罚,欧盟委员会竞争专员玛格丽特·维斯塔格被称为西方世界最有权力的反垄断者、欧盟竞争秩序的“守护者”和大公司“死对头”。