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关于红字论文范文 分析红字中主要人名的象征意义相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:红字论文 更新时间:2024-04-07


【Abstract】Nathaniel Hawthorne is a representative of romantici in American in the 19th century, his masterpiece is The Scarlet Letter. In the paper, the author bases on symboli, adopts the association-analysis method, mainly analyzes the symbolic meanings of main characters’ naming, aims at revealing accurately their special naming and the symbolic meanings, to help readers grasp the themes more comprehensively.

【Key words】The Scarlet Letter; main characters’ names; special naming; symbolic meanings

【摘 要】霍桑是19世纪美国浪漫主义的代表作家, 其代表作是《红字》.本文以象征主义为基础,采用联想-分析法重点分析《红字》中主要人物命名的象征意义,力图通过准确的揭示其特殊命名及象征意义,以便帮助读者更全面深入的把握作品的主题思想.

【关键词】《红字》 主要人名 特殊命名 象征意义

1. Introduction

Symboli is the most lasting, far-reaching literary thinking and creative genre in western modernist literature and art. And the representative, Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of the most influential writer in the history of American literature. His masterpiece The Scarlet Letter describes a tragic love story in the 17th century, in which the heroine fights against religion and the evil society under the puritan colonial rules. The paper through association-analysis method, associate with some aspects such as lexis, Greek mythology and the plots of the novel so on to reveal the symbolic meanings of characters’ names, aims to plays a very important role in shaping vivid characters, highlights the novel’s theme, makes readers grasp the depth of work easier.

2. Analysis of the Symbolic Meanings of the Main Characters’ Names

2.1 Hester Prynne

2.1.1 Hester: Haste, beauty, enthusia, Esther

Hester is homophonic of hastier, Hester’s marriage and love are very rash: an old man she hastily marries, makes her daily life in solitude and sexual repression. When Hester meet handsome priest, she felling in love with him, so she is love for Dimmesdale is out of passion, more exactly out of rash. In accordance with the provisions of the United States by puritan, female parishioners and the pastors are not allowed to love, while Hester loves the pastor cynically and born Pearl. Then Hester will be linked to Greek mythology, Zeus’s sister Hestia, she is a beautiful goddess of the hearth. In fiction, Hester is also a beautiful woman as follows:

The young woman was tall, with a figure of perfect elegance on a large scale. She had dark and abundant hair等and a face which, besides being beautiful from regularity of feature and richness of complexion, had the impressiveness belonging to a marked brow and deep black eyes.



1、 霍桑红字人物救赎和艺术特色分析 课题项目:本文系2016年度西安美术学院人文社会科学研究项目《霍桑〈红字〉的人物救赎与艺术特色》,项目编号2016XK020,本文作者系该项目主。

2、 概念隐喻理论下纳撒尼尔·霍桑红字的景物意象分析 摘 要:納撒尼尔·霍桑的《红字》多处运用象征性的或是隐喻性的意象来传达中心思想。运用景物意象则是《红字》的一大特色。概念隐喻理论是莱考夫和约翰逊。

3、 霍桑小红字其思想解读 摘 要:《红字》是19世纪美国小说作家霍桑的代表作品之一,小说描写了一位为了爱情宁愿牺牲自己,并勇于与传统腐朽的思想势力作斗争的女性,表达了作者。

4、 红字的叙事策略解读 摘 要:美国心理小说作家纳撒尼尔·霍桑有着“真正的天才”“美国的莎士比亚”之称。他的一生创造了许多经典作品。其中《红字》是浪漫主义小说的代表,也。

5、 被刻上红字人 艾琳是这个作家圈子中唯一的女人。她容貌漂亮,穿衣精致,与众不同的是喜欢把项链绕在手指上晃来晃去,耳钉插在胸口,一副吊儿郎当的样子。而且说话很野,。