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关于缝隙护理管理论文范文 无缝隙护理管理在减产科院内感染中的应用效果分析相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:缝隙护理管理论文 更新时间:2024-04-17


[摘 要] 目的 分析無缝隙护理管理在减产科院内感染中应用效果.方法 方便选取2014 年2月—2015年10月期间该院妇产科收治的80例住院患者,随机分为观察组和对照组,每组40例,对照组实施常规护理管理,观察组实施无缝隙护理管理,比较分析两组患者护理满意度和院内感染率. 结果 观察组患者中,满意23例,基本满意15例,不满意2例,满意度为95.0%;对照组满意9例,基本满意24例,不满意7例,满意度为77.5%,观察组明显高于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患者中,发生呼吸道感染1例、手术切口感染0例、泌尿道感染0例、宫腔感染0 例、胃肠道感染1例,总感染率为5.0%;对照组中呼吸道感染2例、手术切口感染1例、泌尿道感染2例、宫腔感染1例、胃肠感染1例,总感染率为17.5%;两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论 对妇科疾病患者实施无缝隙护理管理,可以减少院内感染的发生,符合患者的需求,并提高了患者的护理满意度,有利于改善护患关系.

[关键词] 无缝隙护理管理;妇产科;院内感染;效果

[中图分类号] R47 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)07(c)-0140-03

[Abstract] Objective To analyze the application effect of seamless nursing management in reducing the hospital infection of the department of gynecology and obstetrics. Methods 80 cases of inpatients admitted and treated in our hospital from February 2014 to October 2015 were conveniently selected and randomly divided into two groups with 40 cases in each, the control group adopted the routine nursing management, while the observation group adopted the seamless nursing management, and the nursing satiactory degree and hospital infection rate were compared between the two groups. Results In the observation group, 23 cases were satiied, 15 cases were basically satiied, 2 cases were unsatiied, and the satiied rate was95.0%, and the in the control group, 9 cases were satiied, 24 cases were basically satiied, 7 cases were unsatiied and the satiactory degree was 77.5%, and the satiied rate in the observation group was obviously higher than that in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05), in the observation group, there was 1 case with respiratory tract infection, 0 case with operative incision infection, 0 case with urinary tract infection, 0 case with intrauterine infection, 1 case with gastrointestinal infection, and the total infection rate was5.0% In the control group ,there was 2 case with respiratory tract infection,1 case with operative incision infection ,2case with urinary tract infection , 1 case with intrauterine infeaction, i case with gastrnintestinal infeaction,and the total infeaction rate was 17.5%, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The seamless nursing management of patients with gynecologic diseases can reduce the occurrence of hospital infection, meet the demands of patients and improve the nursing satisfactory degree of patients, which is conducive to improving the nurse-patient relationship.

[Key words] Seamless nursing management; Department of gynecology and obstetrics; Effect; Nosocomial Infection



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