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关于鸡胸肉论文范文 冷冻—解冻对烹饪后鸡胸肉感官描述剖面影响相关论文写作参考文献

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:鸡胸肉论文 更新时间:2024-03-31


摘 要: 冷冻是消费者用于延长肉类储藏期的一种常用方法,也是研究人员常用于肉类品质评估和加工的前道工序.目前尚无完善记录表明,冷冻对烹饪后的禽胸肉质的感官品质会产生影响.本研究的目的是比较新鲜和冷冻-解冻鸡胸肉的感官质量剖面属性.鸡胸肉块在宰后24 h内从 上分割,分别以新鲜状态直接烹饪或置于-20℃冷冻.冷冻样品采用三种不同解冻方式:冷冻后直接取出烹饪解冻(0 h);在20℃水中预解冻2 h后烹饪(2 h);或在4℃预解冻24 h后烹饪(24 h).对照组则为新鲜鸡胸肉直接烹饪.肉块加热到78℃时用于评价感官质量属性.该实验由经过训练的描述型品评员采用0~15强度标度法进行评价.结果显示:不同的处理方式并没有引起任何风味特征和5种质构特征(内聚力、硬度、多汁、肉块大小、肉块湿度)上的差异(P>0.05).然而,不同处理方式引起了团块内聚性、分解率和咀嚼性上的显著差异(P<0.05):冻后直接烹饪(0 h)和解冻24 h烹饪(24 h)的鸡肉块的团块内聚性评价要明显高于预解冻2 h的样品.冻后直接烹饪样品(0 h)的分解率和咀嚼性显著高于新鲜对照组和预解冻2 h的样品.本研究结果表明,冷冻-解冻对鸡胸肉的感官风味品质无影响,但可能改变烹饪后鸡胸肉的质构特征.因此,冷冻-解冻对肉类质构的影响取决于烹饪前的解冻方法.

关键词: 鸡胸肉; 感官; 风味; 质地; 冷冻-解冻

Abstract: A novel immunoassay system based on magnetic fluorescent probes was established to detect 2.4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4 D) residue in liquid system in food and agricultural products.The composites of anti 2,4 D antibody bound to Fe3O4@SiO2 NH2 was employed as the solid phase as well as magnetic probe.The composites composed of 2,4 D OVA labeled with CdTe@SiO2 NH2 as the fluorescent probe was used to produce fluorescent signal.2,4 D and its fluorescent probe competed binding the antibody on the surface of the magnetic probe.The optimization of 2,4 D OVA dosage,coupling PH and reaction time in preparing the fluorescent probe were investigated.It showed that in the synthesis of fluorescent probe 8.2 was the optimal pH,70 min was the optimal coupling time,500 μL amount of 2,4 D OVA.The standard curve was obtained with the concentration of 2,4 D and the maximum fluorescence intensity.The detection limit of the assay was gotten and it was 3.55×10-8.One reaction step and one washing step were needed.The assay significantly shortened the testing time and amplified the detection signal compared with classic ELISA.

Key words: immunoassay; fluorescence probe; magnetic probe; 2,4 D; quantum dots

CLC number: TS 207Document code: AArticle ID: 1000 5137(2014)06 0566 07


2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid is one of the most widely used herbicides and plant growth regulator in agriculture,forestry and right of way applications.2,4 D has been used and monitored for several decades.It has been reported it concerned with the occurrence of cancer in humans[1],endocrine disrupting activities[2],acute congestion and degenerative changes in central nerve system[3].Presently,an increasing number of countries strictly limited the residues of 2,4 D in grain,fruit,and vegetables.Thus,it is essential to develop a more efficient method for detection of 2,4 D.



1、 冷冻肉营养价值不如鲜肉 流言:市场上我们经常可以看到鲜肉、冷鲜肉、冷冻肉三种肉食,且价格相差悬殊。一般人认为,肉肯定是新鲜的好,因此,宁愿选择高价的鲜肉。那么,这三种。

2、 投一票给冷冻肉 曾有人对我说,吃温体肉是不进步国家的表征;老一辈的长者却告诉我,温体肉比较新鲜比较甜。在冷冻肉和温体肉之间,各有支持者。目前除了台湾,大陆和澳门。

3、 多肉这支绿色股票还能牛多久 业内人士预计,中国多肉植物市场超过10亿元,俨然成为一只“绿色股票”。然而,令业内担忧的是,这些植物利润虚高,有的甚至达到十倍,随着越来越多的投。

4、 专利焊机泰国肉蔬棒棒机稳定赚钱好产品 一种新型焊机在安徽问世啦, 目前已经获得两项国家专利了,国家注册商标:梁新,假一奖你一万元,专利发明人——梁新欢迎大家光临合作,该机设计十分完美。

5、 先烤后炖烹饪方法独特纸上生煎鱼风靡全国 成都乔东家餐饮管理有限公司是以加盟连锁、餐饮管理、餐饮培训、产品研发、食品加工为一体的餐饮服务有限公司。公司成立于2009年,总部位于成都市中心。

6、 金丝豆腐(素鹿肉)免费加盟不!不!不!比免费更优惠! 炎炎8月,傻婆婆送清爽,正常收費3500元的金丝豆腐项目,本月内加盟只收1150元。刚才不是说免费吗?不不不,你听错了,其实比免费更优惠。115。