
关于BeautyofAncientChinesePoemsintoEnglish论文范文 OnTranslationThree—BeautyofAncientChinesePoemsintoEnglish相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:BeautyofAncientChinesePoemsintoEnglish论文 更新时间:2024-04-16


中圖分类号:G633.41 文献标识码:B文章编号:1672-1578(2017)09-0100-02

By "beautifullization" I mean a translated verse should be as beautiful as the original in sense, in sound and in form. The beauty in sense is to express the original meaning accurately; the beauty in sound refers to beat and tone, and rhyming-scheme; the beauty in form means the length and symmetry of each line.

The ancient Chinese poems primarily include a poem with seven characters to a line and a poem with five characters to a line; the first may be translated in Alexandrine style, 12-syllable iamb each line, and the second may be translated in Heroic style, 10-syllable iamb each line. As early as 1898, Herbert A Giles published his rhymed translations of Tang poems, of which Lytlon Strachey said"the poetry is it is the best that this generation has known," and that is "holds a unique place in the literature of the world.""through its mastery of the tones and depths of affection". Later, Arthur Waley said in his translations from the Chinese. "If one uses thyme, it is impossible not to sacrifice sense to sound," and he translated Tang poems into free verse. Thus began the controversy between rhymed version and free version in the translation of Chinese poetry. Generally speaking, the free translation emphasizes faithfulness to the original while the rhymed version, the beauty of the translated verse. Therefore, the controversy between these two types of translation may be said to be contradiction or conflict between faithfulness or truth and beauty. For instance, we may read the following versions of Li Bai"s Farewell to a Friend. The first version is a word for word translation or transliteration, the second is more faithful to the original in word while the third is more beautiful and poetical than the second.

(1) blue hill traverse north wall

white water wind east town

this place once for part

lonely thistledown thousand miles journey

float cloud roam son idea

fall sun old man feeling

wave hand from here go

sough spot horse neigh

(2) Green hills range north of the walled city,

The White River curves along its east.

Once we part here you"ll travel far alone

Like the tumbleweed swept by the autumn wind.

A floating cloud-a wayfarer"s feeling from home,

The setting sun - the affection of an old friend.

Waving adieu, as you now depart from me,

Our horses neigh, loath to part from each other.




