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分类:论文范文 原创主题:WinterSports论文 更新时间:2024-04-15


Looking back 2016, which sports field the most eye-catching? It is undoubtedly winter sports. July 31, 2015, Beijing together with Zhangjiakou won the right of hosting the 2422 Winter Olympic Games, adding fresh energy to sports in winter, which greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the public to participate in the sports of ice and snow.

On snow and ice, everyone can easily and happily glide, enjoy the fun of ice and snow close conact with the nature as well as the beautiful snow scene. Who can refuse it?

“Past and Present Stories” of Winter Sports

Ice and snow sports refers to the sports held on ice and snow. Previously it was limited by the conditions, only can be held in the cold icing or snowy winter, so it is also known as winter sports. Today, with the emergence of artificial ice rink and artificial snow, this sport is not limited to the winter.

Ice and snow sports are generally divided into ice sports and snow sports. Ice sports are mainly speed skating, short track speed skating, figure skating, ice hockey and curling. Snow sports are alpine skiing, snowboarding, biathlon, cross-country skiing, ski jumping, freestyle skiing, Nordic Combined, bobsleigh, luge, skeltonand so on.

Ice and snow sport has a long history. According to historical records, as early as 4000 years ago, skating has become basic life skills of residents located near the North ice ring. Historians found in the stone age fossils with simple production of horse skates. Scandinavian frescoes found in the original frescoes of the Scandinavian countries also depict the simple footsteps of ancient people, holding sticks on ice and snow to hunt prey.

China"s Tang Dynasty historian Du You"s General Record: Record of the Northern Asian Nations, also made a clear record of ice and snow: "wood as the horse, tied to the feett, running like a deer." Qing Dynasty, the ice movement was even more popular, when a variety of colorful ice sports are collectively referred to as "ice play". The Imperial Palace collection of "ice play" vividly depicts the grand occasion of ice performing in the palace at that time.

Modern ice and snow rose in Europe. In the middle of the 13th century, an iron skate mounted on a board appeared in the Netherlands. In the middle of the 17th century, King Charles II introduced skating into the upper class of England, laying a solid foundation for the vigorous development of the sport.

“Star Show” of Winter Sports



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