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分类:专科论文 原创主题:鸟论文 更新时间:2024-02-25


Scientists believe they know why birds’ eggs are in different shapes. Some eggs are quite round; some are kind of potato-shaped; and others are longer and pointy1. Two thousand years ago, the Greek philosopher Aristotle said flatter2 eggs had female chicks inside them and rounder eggs contained male chicks. But he was wrong. A new study from Princeton University in the USA suggests that the shape of the egg depends on how well and how fast the female bird flies. Professor Mary Stoddard said, “It has not gone unnoticed that birds have evolved to(lay eggs with) shapes that are quite different in form—everything from a spherical3 owl4 egg to a pointy sandpiper5 egg.”


Professor Stoddard and her colleagues created a mathematical6 formula7 to map the shape of different eggs. They looked at almost 50,000 eggs from 1,400 different bird species. The researchers put the shape, length and height of the eggs into a computer database. They also looked at how oval8 the eggs were. The researchers found that the birds that laid the most-oval-shaped eggs were the best fliers9. Professor Stoddard said: “We were shocked to see that one of the best explanations for egg shape variation was flight ability.” The researchers found that hummingbirds10 and sandpipers laid the most-oval-shaped eggs; owls laid the roundest eggs; and sea birds laid the pointiest eggs.




1、 蛋用鸭育成期限饲管理 限饲方法质限。调整鸭日粮的营养水平:代谢能10 46千焦~11 3千焦 千克、粗蛋白质13%~14%、粗纤维8%。日粮中动物性蛋白质的比例不超。

2、 蛋雏鸡大肠杆菌病诊疗 摘 要:个别鸡出现一侧或两侧眼流泪。以为发生了慢性呼吸道疾病,饮用15天“呼泰”、“毒神”等药物,但未见好转,而且发现病鸡越来越多,并开始出现零。

3、 千鸟盛翔,多姿世界 裕廊飞禽公园坐落在新加坡西部裕廊山的斜坡上,这里环境别致,花草树木郁郁葱葱,周围湖泊星罗棋布,被誉为东南亚最壮观的“鸟类天堂”,是世界上少数规模。

4、 孵化机蛋 在硬件创业领域,当下最为火爆的当属机器人了。近年来,中国的科技公司在服务机器人的研发上进步非常快。与一般的硬件创业不同,机器人相对来说是个“大。

5、 咸蛋超人生意经 进货3000还赠展架3000元是个什么概念?就是你哪怕到饭店里当两个月的服务员,就能赚到,大一点的酒店一个月就能赚到这笔钱。这笔钱用来消费,真。

6、 传奇张银生倒霉蛋屡败屡战拼成大富翁 张银生出生农村,仅有初中文化,穷困潦倒时,他霉运连连:坐车人被骗,买票被人宰,做生意又被坑,后来好不容易成家了,他的儿子又被拖拉机弄断胳膊,女儿。