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关于学习能力论文范文 TipsforlmprovingLearningAbility提高学习能力小窍门相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:学习能力论文 更新时间:2024-01-18


Do you have a hard time learning or studying? Do you want to become a better learner? Well if you follow this guide, you will have no problem mastering the art of learning.


1. First, you must prepare yourself for the learning ahead by getting the disturbances1 out of your way.

1. 首先,你必须事先为学习做好准备,避免生活琐事的干扰.

Take a piece of paper and quickly write down everything that is bothering you or any-thing that might be a disturbance for you when you are about to learn. If this is in preparation for a school day, try to do this BEFORE you go to school.


Once you have your list written up, start at the most important problems and fix them, working your way from your biggest problems to your smallest. This should include ANYTHING that might be bothering you be-cause anything, even the smallest of disturbances will affect2 how well your brain processes3 information. Your disturbances should fully be taken care of (if you have to go to the bathroom, DO IT!).


2. To begin focusing4 in on learning, you must remove all disturbances from your area of study. Find a quiet area and remove all distur-

bances from it.

2. 要开始专心学习,你必须从学习领域中排除所有干扰.找一个安静的地方,并消除所有的干扰.

If you have a computer on, and it’s not the source of learning, turn it off. Make the room as quiet as possible.


Close the shades and windows so as little light as possible enters the room and then turn on lights to a level that allows you to see your material clearly but while still being dimmer than normal. This step is very important to keeping your brain from focusing on your en-vironment. When choosing a room, try a place with a comfortable armchair or bed/coach to lie down on. A good place is your own bedroom, as long as it is empty of any people and totally quiet.


3. Now onto the learning. After your 10 minutes in the shower or some other similar activity, you need to relax. Now, gather your learning materials in front of you, and begin. Take deep breathing and pay no attention to anything around you BUT what you are learn-ing. Read EVERY line, and every important piece of information. You will remember it if you follow these instructions!



1、 关注学生差异提高学生概念学习能力 [摘要]要切实提高每一位学生的概念学习能力,就必须在数学概念学习活动中关注学生的差异,实施差异教学,基于此,结合《探索勾股定理》实例,从差异目标。

2、 科学设置作业,提高学生数学学习能力 有效的作业设置,是学生巩固课堂所学知识,并检测学生对知识的掌握情况的有效途径之一。教师在设计作业时需要认真思考,精心设计,有目的、有计划地设计作。

3、 增强实践性,提高学生自主学习能力 英语课程是一门实践性很强的语言课程,实践性很强的语言课程教学,还应当赖于语言的实践。高中阶段英语教学增强语言实践性,能够高度发挥提高学生自主学习。

4、 如何提高聋生语文学习能力 【摘要】聋生的学习效果很大程度上取决于其语文学习能力的高低,我们应鼓励其多读,多看,多练,多写,针对聋生特点加强基础环节教学;加强在实践中发展语。

5、 提高高中生数学学习能力策略 摘 要:在教学工作中,注重对学生自学能力的培养,对于提高学生的学习能力,有着极大的帮助。尤其是对于高中学生来说,他们的自主意识本来就很强,强迫性。

6、 关于提高高中生历史自主学习能力 学生的主体性是自主性、主动性、创造性的和谐统一,培养学生的主体性,主要是培养学生自主学习的能力。那什么是自主性学习?自主性学习是指在历史教学活动。