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分类:职称论文 原创主题:自主招生论文 更新时间:2024-02-11



“What should I do1my life?” For most people, this is a difficult question to answer. Here are some steps to help you to2your dreams.

1. Listen to your inner voice. It3practice to hear your true desires.

2. Recognize crisis. Does your job feel4a grind? Are you spending your free time on something you love? Take an5to appraise your happiness.

3.6what kind of person you want to be. Rather than7on what you want to do think in8of what kind of person you want to be. Let that9your choices.

4.10your heart to your work. It takes11and courage to find a profession that you love. Spending the time to discover that job is time well12—it could make all the13in your life!

5. True transformation.14times are a natural part of life. Don’t be afraid to change because of your experiences. Instead, let them shape and15your course.

6. Have no regrets. According to the experts, it’s easy to regret the time you’ve spent being16or unfulfilled. Realize that during that time, you developed the skills you need to succeed!

7. Take the first step.17can’t help you18you are willing to step out of your comfort zone. Get prepared to make changes in your life and start making them!

8. Be patient. Finding your life19won’t happen overnight. In every life, there’s a fast road and a slow road. Most of us take the slow road. Keep your commitment and take small steps to make it20 .

1. A. onB. withC. byD. over

2. A. searchB. trackC. pursueD. catch

3. A. takesB. makesC. doesD. puts

4. A. forB. withC. asD. like

5. A. advantageB. extentC. experienceD. opportunity

6. A. ControlB. DecideC. ObserveD. Command

7. A. aimingB. remarkingC. turningD. concentrating

8. A. termsB. requirementsC. conditionsD. cases

9. A. urgeB. copeC. dealD. guide

10. A. BringB. SendC. FetchD. Carry

11. A. activityB. passionC. emotionD. warmth

12. A. spendingB. spendC. spentD. spends

13. A. differenceB. divisionC. balanceD. importance

14. A. EasyB. HappyC. HardD. Discouraged

15. A. chargeB. steerC. travelD. operate

16. A. happyB. disappointingC. satisfiedD. unhappy

17. A. DestinyB. OccasionC. AccidentD. Risk

18. A. afterB. untilC. sinceD. for



1、 完形填空,可这样训练 完形填空主要考查学生短文阅读理解的能力,学生需要聚精会神阅读全文,从字里行间寻找一切线索,去理清句子之间、段落之间的关系,掌握全文的中心大意,然。

2、 2018年华约自主招生考试数论考题分析 21年,自主招生考试已落下帷幕,试卷的批改工作已经完成纵观今年的“华约”试题,可以看出命题的一些趋势和特点 首先,试卷延续了往年的风格、题型和难。

3、 完形填空训练 (一)Summer was supposed to be free of worries for a high school grad lik。

4、 借助上下文解完形填空题 上下文对完形填空的理解以及顺利解题至关重要。“上下文”这个词老师可能会经常提到,但有的同学至今也没有弄明白:究竟应该怎样借助上下文来解题呢?巧。

5、 完形填空解题步骤和技巧 摘要:针对完形填空的题型特点,探讨了完形填空解题中的四个步骤和五种技巧,指出正确掌握解题步骤以及灵活运用各种解题技巧,有利于提高完形填空解题的准。

6、 高职院校自主招生模式 摘 要:本文结合教育部招生录取制度改革指导意见,针对高职院校自主招生面临的问题,进行了探索。关键词:高职院校 自主招生 模式课 题:本文系西。