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关于科比论文范文 科比·布莱恩特:我的篮球,我的生活相关论文写作参考文献

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:科比论文 更新时间:2024-02-08



Four miles east of Las Vegas Boulevard, well beyond the glitter of the Strip, the Valley High School gym is cool and humid, redolent of floor wax and old socks.1 The ball pounds on the polished hardwood, the sound echoes off the familiar glazed concrete blocks that form the inner walls. Sneakers squeak. Voices rise and fall, curses and laughter. There is high tragedy and low comedy, often displayed on the same face split seconds apart. There are no fans, no sportswriters. There is no trash talk, no ego, no dispute. There is nothing but this court, this play, these men, this ball—this peculiar ball, the usual orangey brown, only this one dressed up with the two white rings of international play—as it traces a high arcing parabola through the air, meanwhile rotating sweetly backward, a shot born of the countless other shots that he preceded it, hundreds of thousands of shots, perhaps millions taken and made over years and years of solitary practice in gyms and driveways and playgrounds from Italy to Philadelphia...2

Kobe Bryant bobs in place on the balls of his feet, holding his pose, frozen for a split second in his red-white-and-blue Zoom Kobe II’s, his impossibly long and Pilates-sculpted arm, bark brown and moist and elling of complimentary hotel lotion,3 still extended overhead like a kid raising his hand in class. The names of his daughters are tattooed on the meat of his forearm, which is now facing the basket, his wrist still holding its perfect gooseneck follow-through, a gesture at once delicate and strong, like something from ballet, and so essential, adding as it does the ball’s backward rotation, the so-called shooter’s touch, which acts as a damper around the rim, helping to ensure that the 9.5-inch-diameter ball will fall with greater frequency into the 18-inch-diameter hole.4

A few years ago, Kobe fractured the fourth metacarpal bone in his right hand.5 He missed the first fifteen games of the season; he used the opportunity to learn to shoot jump shots with his left, which he has been known to do in games. While it was healing, the ring finger, the one just adjacent to the break, spent a lot of time taped to his pinkie. In the end, Kobe discovered, his four fingers were no longer evenly spaced; now they were separated, two and two. As a result, his touch on the ball was different, his shooting percentage went down. Studying the film, he noticed that his shots were rotating slightly to the right.



1、 布莱克蒙的静物摄影哲学观 来自英国的约翰·布莱克蒙(John Blakemore)是一位大师级的摄影家和照片制作者,从1956年就开始了他的艺术实践。他赖以出名的就是那些。

2、 布莱恩·格里芬:从未停止的人生旅程 布莱恩·格里芬(Brian Griffin)是笔者针对“变革中的英国社会纪实摄影”研究的第五位摄影师,该项目立足英国战后摄影,试图讨论摄影与历史。

3、 时代新女性—太阳照常升起中布莱特形象 摘 要:布莱特·阿什利是海明威首部长篇小说《太阳照常升起》中的女主人公。长期以来,评论界将其界定为“魔女”和“20年代致命的女人”,贬斥多于褒。

4、 布莱克·沃兹沃斯 维·苏·奈保尔出身于印度家庭,定居英国后,他不断地从英国出发,足迹遍布全世界。他尤其喜欢去一些不同文明产生冲突与融合的地带,写下了关于这个世界的。

5、 巴巴布莱特汽车比赛 1 公园里,双胞(bāo)胎(tāi)兄弟和巴巴宝宝们玩起了玩具汽车。要是能坐到车里自己开车该有多好玩呀!巴巴布莱特说:“我们每个人来做一辆汽车。

6、 布莱希特间离效果在蝴蝶君中再现 摘 要:黄哲伦(David Henry Hwang)是美国当代杰出的华裔戏剧家,以《蝴蝶君》(M Butterfly)蜚声海内外。他在戏剧中巧。