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关于布尔什维克论文范文 熊、布尔什维克、粗人、间谍相关论文写作参考文献

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:布尔什维克论文 更新时间:2024-02-13


Donald Trump is comfortable with Vladimir Putin—too comfortable, it seems, for American tastes.

On the one hand, objections to his admiration for the Russian leader are understandable. Putin’s authoritarian tendencies are well-documented, and it’s incumbent on any leader to at least act appalled by his hunger for annexation and repression of dissent.2

But when Americans react with horror to Trump’s Putinfriendliness, there’s something else going on, too. Americans are really, really freaked out3 by Russia. The Cold War is over, but Russophobia is still branded on the American psyche.4

Even before the Cold War, Russia never really rubbed America the right way.5 The favored representation of Russia in 19th century political cartoons was the bear. Sometimes the bear was portrayed as a clumsy oaf who doesn’t know his own strength; other times, the bear was a menacing predator.6 These two tropes7 continued to characterize American representations of Russia throughout the 20th century, and still do today.

But when the Tsar was overthrown in 1917 and the Soviet Union was established a few years later, American fear of the Russians began to manifest in human form: namely, the Bolshevik agitator.8 Paranoia about Russian communists gripped the nation in what came to be known as the First Red Scare.9 In 1919 alone, anti-communist films included Bullin’ the Bullsheviki, Bolshevism on Trial and The Red Viper. That same year, U.S. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer ordered the arrest of more than 4,000 alleged10 communists, many of them Russian immigrants.

In the following years, a spate of films depicted in detail the horrors of Russian communism.11 Russians in the American imagination were either poor victims of Bolshevism abroad, or they were diabolical extremists intent on consolidating power and obliterating freedom and prosperity in America.12 The term “Russian reds”was as popular as “Islamic extremists” is now, and inspired a similar sense of revulsion13 and dread for many Americans.

As intense as the First Red Scare was, it was brief and small-scale compared to the Second Red Scare14, at the height of the Cold War. After World War II, the USSR had emerged as a formidable world power and adversary of the United States, strong enough to develop atomic weaponry,15 spy on Americans, and race to outer space.

Popular American culture throughout the mid-20th century portrayed Russians as sneaky16 and menacing. In the McCarthyist era—a time when even faint or alleged sympathies with communism could get you blacklisted for life, and convicted Russian spies were executed on American soil—Russia was synonymous with scheming, secrecy, espionage and intrigue.17 Cold War spy films produced a new round of Russian stock characters and stereotypes: the devious and clever double-agent, the unsmiling KGB officer, the sadistic mob boss, the lethal seductress, and so on.18



1、 2只老虎、一只熊、一只狮子和300天的牢狱之灾 1馬戏团里的老虎怎么都不肯表演, 卧在地上不起来,还看上了驯兽师 手里的指挥棒,叼住就不撒嘴,谁都 抢不回来。驯兽不顺利,观众窃窃私语。空气。

2、 斯科特·斯洛维克生态学术思想探究 [摘 要]斯科特·斯洛维克是美国生态批评运动的主要倡导者之一,也是当今国际生态批评界最具活力、最具影响力的生态批评学者之一。他不仅著书立说,阐明。

3、 李克强访问澳大利亚、新西兰 应澳大利亚总理马尔科姆·特恩布尔和新西兰总理比尔·英格利希邀请,国务院总理李克强3月22日~3月29日对上述两国进行正式访问,并在澳大利亚举行第。

4、 彼得·德鲁克、王峰、刘作虎等 “有效的管理者不做太多的决策。他们所做的都是重大的决策。他们重视的是分辨什么问题为例行性的,什么问题为策略性的,而不重视‘解决问题’。他们的决策。

5、 斯迪克采、存、销数据问题多能否过会存在很大不确定性 斯迪克股份虽然在近日公布了新版招股书,但招股书中依然存在诸多问题,采购数据偏差明显,营业收入匪夷所思,这为其将来能否成功过会埋下了隐患。曾在2。

6、 马克·扎克伯格回应假新闻、隐私丑闻、拆分一切 7月18日,美国技术媒体Recode发布了其联合创始人卡拉·斯威舍对Facebook CEO马克·扎克伯格的专访:“现在的游戏规则是:我们开。