
关于状语论文范文 状语句相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:状语论文 更新时间:2024-01-31


1. ___ we get on well with a number of people, we are usually friends with only a very few.

A. AsB. Once

C. BeforeD. While

2. — How long do you think it will be ___ man can solve the problem of cancer?

— Well. It depends.

A. whenB. until

C. afterD. before

3. What an unforgettable experience! I’ll write it down ___ it is still fresh in my memory.

A. sinceB. while

C. afterD. until

4. — Peter told me he wanted to come with us. Is it OK for you?

— I don’t mind ___ he pays for his meals.

A. as far asB. as long as

C. as well asD. as soon as

5. The shopping mall will be constructed ___ there used to be a school many years ago.

A. whereB. what

C. in whichD. which

6. ___ you disagree with her, she’s worth listening to.

A. Even ifB. In case

C. Only ifD. As if

7. ___ we have realized the danger of this problem, some measures should be taken as soon as possible.

A. Now thatB. As long as

C. In order thatD. Even if

8. The town suffered a record of 32 accidents in July 2013, the most ___ it began publishing monthly figures in 2011.

A. sinceB. when

C. whileD. though

9. — The experiment is of particular importance.

— I see. We will carry on with it ___ we can get enough money or not.

A. unlessB. whether

C. thoughD. until

10. You can’t believe how terrible the fire is ___ you see it with your own eyes.

A. thoughB. because

C. unlessD. since

11. ___ interesting the film is, I won’t waste any time on it.

A. No matterB. Whatever

C. WhicheverD. However

12. I usually take something to read when I travel by train ___ I feel bored.

A. as ifB. so that

C. in caseD. even though

13. After retiring, he continued giving lessons in his Washington home ___ he died last week.

A. untilB. when

C. sinceD. once

14. The fire went on for quite some time ___ it was brought under control.

A. beforeB. since

C. afterD. when

15. You should have a good night’s sleep ___ much work you have to do.

A. howeverB. as

C. althoughD. whatever

16. I have never seen him, ___ I can remember, reading anything but newspapers.

A. as far asB. as soon as

C. unlessD. until

17. ___ we gave him something to eat, he would save it up for his little sister.



1、 镜状录 1 镜子总是在自我的漩涡中留下一个独自呢喃的形象:“我再也看不见自己的容貌了,再也看不见了……”——(镜子如何自看,构成了文本运作的开端。镜子。

2、 你声如天籁,我状若痴呆 CV即配音演员,英文Character Voice 的缩写。动漫、广播剧乃至影视剧等都需要CV参与声音演出,使视听作品更加鲜活生动,很多人物也正。

3、 霉状师三辩梅花案 “霉状师”本名梅才,因为官司打十场输十场,就落得了这么一个绰号。就在梅才无奈准备转行时,居然有生意上门了。这天夜里,“哐当”一声,房门无风自开。

4、 运动会生死状 女儿今年刚上一年级,我听她讲学校里的事,总能忆起自己的童年,觉得熟悉又新鲜。前几天,女儿回家兴奋地说,学校要开运动会。我想起小时候对运动会的期。

5、 新三板怪状·定增篇 在新三板市场,你可以用30 56元或1亿元买到公司股权,还可以通过淘宝以5折价格“捡漏”。迷你定增2014-2017年3月,新三板单次募资。

6、 基于XBRL自然语言语句形式化标注 【摘 要】 为了提高机器对自然语言的理解能力,以语义形式化为切入点,研究了基于可扩展商业报告语言(XBRL)的自然语言语句的形式化标注问题。研究。