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分类:论文范文 原创主题:机器人论文 更新时间:2024-04-21



When science fiction writers first imagined robot invasions, the idea was that bots would become art and powerful enough to take over the world by force, whether on their own or as directed by some evildoer. In reality, something only slightly less scary is happening. Robots are getting better, every day, at impersonating1 humans. When directed by opportunists, malefactors and sometimes even nation-states,2 they pose a particular threat to democratic societies, which are premised on being open to the people.

Robots posing as people he become a menace3. For popular Broadway shows (need we say Hamilton 4?), it is actually bots, not humans, who do much and maybe most of the ticket buying. Shows sell out immediately, and the middlemen (quite literally, evil robot masters) reap millions in ill-gotten gains.

Philip Howard, who runs the Computational Propaganda Research Project at Oxford, studied the deployment of propaganda bots during voting on Brexit5, and the recent American and French presidential elections. Twitter is particularly distorted by its millions of robot accounts; during the French election, it was principally Twitter robots who were trying to make#MacronLeaks into a scandal. Facebook has admitted it was essentially hacked during the American election in November last year. In Michigan, Mr. Howard notes,“junk news was shared just as widely as professional news in the days leading up to the election.”

Robots are also being used to attack the democratic features of the administrative state. This spring, the Federal Communications Commission put its proposed revocation of net neutrality up for public comment.6 In previous years such proceedings attracted millions of (human) commentators. This time, someone with an agenda but no actual public support unleashed robots who impersonated (via stolen identities) hundreds of thousands of people,7 flooding the system with fake comments against federal net neutrality rules.

To be sure, today’s impersonation-bots are different from the robots imagined in science fiction: They aren’t sentient8, don’t carry weapons and don’t he physical bodies. Instead, fake humans just he whatever is necessary to make them seem human enough to“pass”: a name, perhaps a virtual appearance, a credit-card number and, if necessary, a profession, birthday and home address. They are brought to life by programs or scripts that give one person the power to imitate thousands.



1、 天职财务机器人正式上线 本报讯(记者 卢刚)3月12日,天职国际正式发布了天职财务机器人。该项目是天职国际基于在财税领域的深度耕耘,结合最新的自动化技术及人工智能技术,。

2、 财务机器人,财会人对手还是帮手 试想一下,如若机器人替代人类进行会计、税务、审计等工作会是怎样的场景呢?如今,这一切似乎已经要成为现实。德勤财务机器人正式上岗,已经与多家企事业。

3、 刍议财务机器人对企业财务管理影响和促进 摘要:近年来,我国在机器人发展中,已经形成了良好的开发与应用模式,能够实现深入的企业改革目标;在企业发展中,财务机器人的应用,能够提升财务管理工。

4、 股权众筹投资请多个心眼 中国人民银行、工业和信息化部等十部门联合发布的《关于促进互联网金融健康发展的指导意见》中,第九条针对“股权众筹融资”明确了业务边界,落实了监管责。

5、 特斯拉:请叫我能源公司 在中国的特斯拉门店数量今年会增加一倍。关注世界汽车工业35年,我对特斯拉格外青睐。10年前,它是冲进百年汽车藩篱最年轻的搅局者;又是当下无数新。

6、 千里眼、顺风耳、最强大脑,谁来打造自动驾驶机器人 如果把自动驾驶系统比作是一个人,感知、决策、执行三个方面就分别是获取信息的五官、思考的大脑和行动的四肢。这些方面的零部件都是相当重要的底层技术,。