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关于中华文化论文范文 中华文化术语选篇相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:中华文化论文 更新时间:2024-04-20



People Being the Foundation of the State


This term means that the people are the essence of the state or the foundation upon which it stands. Only when people live and work in peace and contentment can the state be peaceful and stable. This saying, which first appeared in a pseudo-version of The Classical Book of History as an instruction by Yu the Great, can be traced to Mencius’statement: “The essence of a state is the people, next come the god of land and the god of grain (which stand for state power), and the last the ruler,”and Xunzi’s statement, “Just as water can float a boat, so can water overturn it.” This idea gave rise to the “people first” thought advocated by Confucianism.

引例 Citation:



Our ancestor Yu the Great warned: (a ruler) must maintain a close relationship with the people; he must not regard them as insignificant. They are the foundation of a state, and a state can enjoy peace only when its foundation is firm. (The Book of History)


Ren Wen Hua Cheng


The term is used to describe efforts to teach people essential ideals and principles of ren wen(人文)and guide them to embrace goodness with the aim of building a harmonious—albeit hierarchical—social order, according to the level of development of a civilization and the specifics of the society. Ren wen refers to poetry, books, social norms, music, law, and other non-material components of civilization. Hua(化)means to edify(教诲,教导)the populace; cheng(成)refers to the establishment or prosperity of rule by civil means (as opposed to force). The concept emphasizes rule by civil means, and is another expression of the Chinese concept of “civilization.”

引例 Citation:



Observing the movements of the sun, moon, and stars helps us learn about the change of seasons; studying the development of poetry, books, social norms, and music enables us to edify the populace so that the rule by civil means can prosper. (The Book of Changes)



1、 中华思想文化术语的英译原则与应用 提 要 中华思想文化术语的国际传播是适应新的时代要求、为促进中西方文明平等对话与交流互鉴而启动的基础文化建设工程。术语英译遵循以下原则:一、准确。

2、 中华文化术语选篇 “中华思想文化术语”,是浓缩了中华哲学思想、人文精神、价值观念等的以词或短语形式固化的概念和文化核心词。它们是中华民族几千年来对自然与社会进行探。

3、 孔老之道中华文化典范 孔子和老子虽然都认同一个“道”,但又各自对“道”有着不同的认识和表述,所谓“一道各表”。谈论中华文化,离不开孔子与老子。孔子与老子是中华文化的。

4、 中华文化和家风家训 今天的题目,“中华文化与家风家训”,我们若分析中华文化对家风家训的影响,首先得从两岸领导人谈起。因为2015年,两岸领导人正式在新加坡碰面,结束。

5、 掌阅科技数字阅读沿一带一路弘扬中华文化 “掌阅”——一方小巧精致的iReader电子书阅读器,一款业内主流移动阅读的APP。它装载的内容有中华国学经典与畅销书,旗下还有签约作者的原创网。

6、 赖声川、黄磊获称中华文化人物 由中华文化促进会、凤凰卫视主办的“2017中华文化人物”颁授盛典在深圳举行。包括文史学者刘梦溪、新编芭蕾舞剧《白毛女》女主角森下洋子、藏文化使者。