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关于教会论文范文 第一份工作教会我们的七件事相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:教会论文 更新时间:2024-02-20


Entering the workforce for the first time is going to be as instructive as it will be potentially terrifying. Most of us get jobs when we’re fairly young, and the realization that we will spend most of our lives answering directly to somebody other than ourselves isn’t an easy thing to shake.

The thing is, our first jobs, no matter how ridiculous, are going to stay with us; they’re going to teach us things we would never learn elsewhere, and to a certain extent, shape the person we’ll become later in our professional lives.

Here are seven important lessons you’ll learn from your first job.




People Skills are 90 Percent of Any Job


The other 10 percent consists of the actual skills you learned at college or otherwise acquired along the way. The problem is, we don’t exist in a bubble; we’ll he to deal with other people pretty regularly.

Knowing how to communicate effectively, as well as being personable, is going to be (for some of us) the hardest part of the job. Even if you work from home as an independent contractor, you still answer to (and will he to interact with) real people.



You Need to Stay Two Steps Ahead


Our success at our jobs—no matter how the job is—is less about any given moment, day or project, and more about the next. Anticipation is a thing we’ll learn early, whether it’s anticipating what a customer will want before they know how to ask for it, or anticipating the next demand our boss will make.

If our first jobs teach us anything, it’s that one of the quickest ways to distinguish ourselves in the workplace is to take initiative. Don’t wait around to be told what to do; don’t make any assumptions, either, but if you’re given a chance to jump on the next thing that needs doing, without being instructed to do so, you’ll probably be rewarded.





1、 美国第一份叛国者监视名单 陆军上将罗斯克兰斯(William S Rosecrans)是美国南北战争中作战效率最高最杰出的将领。1864年2月,罗斯克兰斯接到命令,接管。

2、 辩证思维在驻村第一书记工作实践中的运用 摘 要:驻村第一书记从办公室到田间地头,角色身份、依靠力量生活环境、工作方式都发生很大变化,是一个严峻的考验。辩证思维是每一个党的干部都应具有的。

3、 第一份工作不适合,当机立断换 对厦门理工大学会展设计专业的毕业生古婷(化名)来说,一说起求职,她最懊恼的事莫过于第一份工作没有慎重选择,但最庆幸的是自己很快就发现那份工作不适。

4、 学校生活教会我5件事 After earning a Ph D in neuroscience from UCLA, actress Mayim Bialik sha。

5、 王泽山一辈子只想做好一件事 王泽山是个标准的“80后”:他精力充沛,走路爬楼健步如飞;他追赶潮流,能熟练操作各种数码产品,会做Flash、PPT,会用手机App买车票、叫出。

6、 做这10件事,异想天开不是梦 这是一个对创新极度渴求的时代,人人都需要创新。我们每一个普通人要如何做才能开发自己的创造力,用我们的创造力开创属于自己的一切,并彻底改变我们的工。