
关于SomethingYouDontKnowaboutTexting论文范文 SomethingYouDontKnowaboutTexting短信,多是你不知道事相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:SomethingYouDontKnowaboutTexting论文 更新时间:2024-02-21


Two decades to the day when the first text message was sent out in 1992, texting has become one of the most convenient ways for people to communicate with families, friends and workmates. We do it almost every day. But as it involves more in our life, some influence you don’t know is taking place.

Texting while Driving More Dangerous than Drunk Driving



Studies show that sending text messages while driving is more dangerous than drunk driving. The reaction times of people texting as they drove fell by 35 percent, while those who had consumed the legal limit of alcohol fell by 21 percent.

Drivers who texted were distracted by taking their hand off the wheel to use their phone, by trying to read small text on the phone display and by thinking about how to write their message.

The researcher Uvid Hosansky said, “Texting drivers took their eyes off the road for each text an average of 4.6 seconds, which at 55 mph means they were driving the length of a football field without looking.”

A recent study says texting and talking on cell phones while driving kills more than 5,000 people every year in the US. Teen drivers seem especially easy to be distracted.

No responsible motorist would drink and drive. And now text devotees shall understand that texting is one of the most dangerous things that one can do while in charge of a motor car.

Talking on a cell phone is also dangerous. Experts say that talking on a cell phone while driving is far more distracting than talking with an adult passenger because one needs to create a mental picture of the person on the other end of the conversation.

Texting while Walking Banned in New Jersey Town



Fort Lee, a small town in New Jersey in the US, announced that pedestrians will be fined as much as $85 if they are caught texting while walking.

“It’s a big distraction. Pedestrians aren’t watching where they are going and they are not aware,”said Thomas Ripoli, chief of the Fort Lee Police Department.

Ripoli said the town, which is home to about 35,000 residents, has suffered three fatal pedestrian-involved accidents this year. He hopes the new rule will reduce such dangerous behavior and make his town safer, but not everyone is on board with the idea of issuing $85 tickets.

“When I walk I still look around. I’m not like constantly looking down the whole time,”said resident Sue Choe.



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