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分类:毕业论文 原创主题:排名论文 更新时间:2024-03-04


College Rankings Fail to Measure the Influence of the Institution

Students, parents and educators increasingly obsessed with college rankings have a new tool: the Obama administration’s College Scorecard.1 The new database focuses on a college’s graduation rate, graduates’ median earnings 10 years after graduation and the percentage of students paying back their college loans.2

While Scorecard adds potentially valuable information to the dizzying array that is already available, it suffers from many of the same flaws that afflict nearly every other college ranking system: There is no way to know what, if any, impact a particular college has on its graduates’ earnings, or life for that matter.3 “It’s a classic example of confusing causation and correlation,” said Frank Bruni, the author of Where You Go Is Not Who You’ll Be, a book about the college admissions process, and an op-ed columnist for The New York Times.4 “Anyone who has taken statistics should know better, but when it comes to colleges, that’s what people do. They throw common sense out the window.”

Of course graduates of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (average postgraduate earnings $91,600,5 according to the Scorecard) and Harvard ($87,200) do well. That’s because the students they admit have some of the highest test scores and high school grade point averages in the country, reflecting high intelligence and a strong work ethic6—two factors that cause high future earnings. That is generally true regardless of where such students attend college, as long as they go to a reputable four-year institution, various studies have shown.7

“It’s absurd,” said Jerry Z. Muller, a professor of history at Catholic University of America and the author of The Costs of Accountability, a study of misplaced and misunderstood metrics.8 “Their graduates have high earnings because they’re incredibly selective9 about who they let in. And many of them come from privileged backgrounds, which also correlates with high earnings.”10

The College Scorecard does not rank colleges, but anyone can use the data to do so. M.I.T. (No. 6 on Scorecard earnings) and Harvard (No. 8) are the only universities in the Scorecard’s top 10 that are also highly ranked by the influential U.S. News and World Report. The other schools have a narrow focus on highly paid skills. The No. 1 school on Scorecard is MCPHS University11, whose graduates earn, on average, $116,400. (MCPHS stands for Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, which is not even ranked by U.S. News.)



1、 学校资产管理中物联网技术应用分析 摘 要:资产管理是财务管理的重要内容,在信息化程度不断提高的新时期,物联网技术随之出现,如何有效利用物联网技术来提高资产管理水平已经成为社会关注。

2、 信用卡评测排名你别太当真 前不久,有朋友转来某机构发布的“年度最佳信用卡评测排名”一文,而笔者早在2007年就发表过文章,对市场中的信用卡评测、评选类活动进行过评论,因此。

3、 权益类基金年度排名大变脸前海开源金银珠宝退步最大 2018年股市征程再启,内地公募基金2017年的排名也随之出炉,东方红睿华沪港深凭借67 90%的年度净值增长率年终折桂,中邮核心竞争力则在权益。

4、 教育来了,学校怎么办 从国内外的发展趋势来看,教育需求和供给的多样化、个性化将来只会进一步加强无法等待传统学校摆脱束缚,一些家长选择用脚投票,离开传统的教育体系,为。

5、 香港、上海、北京入选全球城市竞爭力年度排名前十 12月28日下午,由中國社科院(财经院)-联合国人居署联合课题组完成的《全球城市竞爭力报告—世界之半:丝绸之路经济网》(以下简称《报告》)在京发。