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分类:毕业论文 原创主题:实属论文 更新时间:2024-03-05


Can we do without cash? Since 2015, digital payments in the UK have outnumbered those in cash, and we are invited by the great and the good1 to cheer this on. The fully cashless era will be magnificently convenient, they say, with goods delivered directly to the door: no fumbling for change,2 just tap and go. Some London branches of several chains don’t accept cash any more. Many others fast-track3 customers who can pay by contactless means. Businesses and banks want to abolish cash because they have nearpathological4 fears of the black market and tax avoidance. Yet we should worry about the death of cash, because physical money possesses worth far above its face value.

Cash is the great leveller. Every penny, pound and banknote sits the same in every hand, identical in value and appearance. A pocketful of change is a gallerycum5-museum. Yes, the Queen is the mainstay, but coins abound in symbols of the Union: the medley of Tudor roses, thistles, ostrich feathers and lions still circulates, now jostling with shards of the Royal Arms.6 These numismatic quirks reveal the strata of history that shaped the United Kingdom.7 Where else worldwide would a pocketful of change include royal portraiture, papal titles, Virgilian tags,8 Roman and Arabic numerals, and three languages?

Actual physical money, in the hand, teaches us its true value. With cash, what you see is what you have. Exchanging it demands personal engagement and oils the wheels of a community. At a shop till or pub bar, the exchange of cash takes time: it involves a flutter of physical contact,9 eye meeting eye and a reminder that trade is human. A digital touch payment is done in a flash: no human interaction necessary.

Spare a thought, too, for high-street communality.10 The more that transactions are ceded11 to electronic devices, the less human the reality of work and trade becomes. Black Friday once denoted disastrous losses of life; now it heralds an artificial, week-long whip-up of slaveringly uncritical consumerism.12 A life of full e-wallets is one of empty e-wantonness13.

We’re told that digital payment is a welcome liberation from the shackles14 of cash, but exclusively digital payments actually restrict the reach of money. The need for Wi-Fi, electricity and phones prevents serendipitous and anonymous expenditure; buying power evanesces with battery power.15 Impulsive gifts of money become impossible: no more helping a fellow passenger with a bus fare, no loose change to charity, the poppy seller, a busker or beggar.16 Cash keeps options open: it’s the lifeblood of the village fête, school fundraiser or car boot sale.17



1、 亲女弃家,养子弑父:一个父亲的悲剧 2012年11月22日上午,谢明宇和养父谢志林 再次爆发了激烈的争吵。谢明宇气得冲谢志林大叫: “有你这样当爹的吗?你为什么要赶小薇走?”“我。

2、 思则睿,睿则智 [摘 要]数学教学是思维活动的教学。小学阶段是学生思维能力发展的重要阶段,而学生的思维总是由问题引发的,并在解决问题中得到有效的发展。因此,在小。

3、 抓住机遇,发挥优势,不断提升智库服务决策能力和水平 智库建设如何适应不断发展的形势,在变化的决策需求中提升能力和水平是普遍面临的问题。只有认清形势,把握机遇,发挥优势,提供适应社会需求的智库产品,。

4、 报酬几何,智辩恩仇 在这个信息无孔不入的时代,顺手转发几条微信再平常不过。但作为企业掌门人,有些信息转起来不得不慎之又慎,尤其是那些关于降薪和裁员的文章,生怕哪句话。

5、 智莱科技未来或受制于大客户,营收和成本数据存在异议 近几年来,“双十一”网上购物狂欢让很多人挥金如土,大量激增的快递使得很多人充分体验到“小卖部代收”和“快递收发柜自取”的便捷,而做为一家一直专业。