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关于世界卫生组织论文范文 多角度世界卫生组织关于肉类致癌结论不科学性相关论文写作参考文献

分类:专科论文 原创主题:世界卫生组织论文 更新时间:2024-04-19


摘 要:该文在现有文献调研的基础上,从多个视角剖析国际癌症研究机构(International Agency for Research on Cancer,IARC)的红肉和加工肉制品致癌声明可能存在的不科学性,并在较为科学的角度提出对肉类和癌症这个话题的一些看法和建议.该文提出现有的流行病学研究方法在数据来源上存在较多值得商榷的地方:如观察性研究的不足和统计分析方法中的缺陷,提出将来的研究可以引入一些高新的方法如器官芯片技术,从而建立真正严格意义上的人体剂量-效应模型.同时,该文指出IARC的这份声明在说明“危害”时,忽略“风险”是不科学的,应引入国际上公认的权威的风险评估研究体系来对红肉和加工肉制品致癌这个问题进行评估,才能更好地决策.在肉制品加工方面,作者指出需在技术和理念上共同突破,从而加快新型健康功能性肉制品如替代肉和防癌、抗癌肉制品的开发和生产,同时继续开发新兴的快速无损检测技术来实现肉品质量和安全的全面检测.此外,还需要加强肉品企业、科研机构和消费者之间的交互沟通.


Multi-Angle Analysis of the Statement of the World Health Organization Regarding the Carcinogenicity of

the Consumption of Red and Processed Meat

HU Menghan1, DONG Qingli1,*, LUO Xin2

(1. School of Medical Instrument and Food Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China;

2. College of Food Science and Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an 271018, China)

Abstract: Based on the existing literature, this mini review conducts a multi-angle analysis of the possible unscientific points in the statement of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) regarding the carcinogenicity of processed and red meat, and presents our personal opinions and suggestions on this topic. The drawbacks of the epidemiological study are proposed, including the shortcomings of the observational study and statistical analysis. Some state-of-the-art techniques such as organs on chips could be used to establish human dose-response models in the strict sense, thereby addressing the above drawbacks. In addition, it is unscientific that the IARC’s statement just explained the “hazard”, but ignored the “risk”. In this sense, an internationally recognized method called the risk assessment is required to be carried out for assessing the carcinogenicity of processed meat products and red meat, and the resulting report of risk assessment is subsequently applied for decision-making. In terms of meat products processing, the authors point out that it is necessary to progress in technologies and concepts simultaneously, thus accelerating the development of healthy functional meat products such as meat analogues and anti-cancer meat products. Also, emerging fast and non-destructive testing techniques need to be continually developed for the comprehensive control of meat quality and safety. To maintain long-term health, consumers should adopt a scientific diet and living habits, and keep positive moods. The communication among the meat enterprises, scientific research institutions and consumers is also important.



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