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分类:专科论文 原创主题:效应论文 更新时间:2024-02-14


Two hours before Game 3 of the NBA Finals, Shay Goldenberg started roaming around Quicken Loans Arena to scout spots for a live shot near the crowded floor. There were no producers or photographers to help him-- he needed only to whip out his Zoom Q2n camcorder and custom-made microphone. As the only Israeli reporting inside the arena, he knew an audience 6,000 miles away back home would be watching.

NBA总决赛第三场前两个小时,夏伊·戈德伯格开始在速贷球馆人满为患的场地上寻找一个能够进行直播的地方.没有制片人和摄影师帮助他——他只需要拿出Zoom Q2n摄像机和写作麦克风便足够了.作为球馆内唯一一个以色列记者,他知道自己远在9656公里外的公众自会观看他的直播.

"A lot of fans are waking up in the middle of the night," said Goldenberg, who lives in Akron, Ohio, as an emissary working for a Jewish nonprofit group. "I am bringing them an angle different than what they can see on TV."


Goldenberg writes regularly about the NBA for a Hebrewlanguage basketball site. His fans paid for his flights to cover the first two games of the Finals in Oakland. "For me, it’s the cherry on top," he joked.


About 20 feet away, Boom Gonzales, a sportscaster from Filipino TV network ABS-CBN, was flipping through his detailed notes while preparing for a 7 a.m. preview show for millions of basketball fans in Manila and the nation’s more than 7,000 islands. Jacques Monclar, a former French basketball player and coach who is now an NBA analyst for global broadcast network beIN SPORTS, carefully watched an intense Cavs halfcourt scrimmage nearby. He would be doing live commentary during the game.

大約6米外,菲律宾电视台ABS-CBN的体育主播布姆·冈萨雷斯正在翻看详尽的笔记,为马尼拉和菲律宾超过7000个岛屿的数百万观众早上7点的赛前预测节目做着准备.曾经做过球员和教练的法国人雅克·蒙克拉尔现在是全球广播电视台beIN Sports的NBA专家,他认真地看着旁边骑士球员正在进行的高强度对抗.他将在比赛进行期间直播解说.

On the baseline, Lisa Hsu, a veteran NBA reporter from China’s online media company Tencent (an ESPN partner), wrapped up an interview with NBA commissioner Adam Silver.

站在底线的中国网媒 (ESPN合作伙伴)的老牌NBA记者丽莎·徐结束了对NBA总裁亚当·肖华的采访.

"It’s a big court here," Hsu said. "But with more and more international media outlets here every year, it’s becoming smaller and smaller."


As the NBA’s reach continues to grow around the world, the media covering it have grown considerably, too. They are diverse and multicultural, reflecting the global fan base that depends on it for access, analysis and action. Almost as foreign emissaries, they feel an obligation to deliver NBA games, news and information to legions of fans, most of whom will never see an NBA game live. That might seem like a weighty responsibility, but as the success of the NBA Finals illustrates, the international media is game.



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