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分类:职称论文 原创主题:人生浮沉论文 更新时间:2024-04-04


Whitney Houston was a force like the hurricane to be reckoned with in the American song circles during her heyday in the 1990s. And it was a sad news that the pop icon died on February 2, 2012 at the age of 48.

Below, eight highlights from Houston’s life of ups and downs.



3. Singing the National Anthem at the 1991 Super Bowl


Whitney’s natural born talent was clear from her first national television appearance, when she belted out Home on “The Merv Griffin Show”, accompanied by nothing more than a piano.


Whitney’s powerful rendition of The Star Spangled Banner at Super Bowl XXV got such an overwhelming response that it was released as a commercial single. It reached the Top 20 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, making her the only performer to turn the national anthem into that big of a hit.


Whitney won her first Grammy for Saving All My Love for You, her first No.1 single, at the 1986 Grammy Awards. She performed the ballad at the show and won an Emmy for Outstanding Individual Performance in a Variety or Music Program the following year.


Whitney’s success in the music industry catapulted her into the film world. In 1992, she starred in The Bodyguard alongside Kevin Costner, playing a star who hires protection after being tormented by a stalker. It was one of the first interracial films to not make the fact that it was interracial a focal point. Though some critics panned Whitney’s acting, the film was an overwhelming success, making more than $410 million worldwide. It also made I Will Always Love You one of her most memorable hits—the song went on to win Grammys for Record of the Year and Best Female Pop Vocal.


In 1995, Whitney starred in Waiting to Exhale with Angela Bassett, Loretta Devine, and Lela Rochon. The film about black women struggling with relationships opened at No.1 and made more than $81 million worldwide, proving that a film marketed primarily at a black audience could have wide ranging success. Whitney’s song featured in the film, Exhale Shoop Shoop also reached No.1 on the Billboard charts.



1、 改变一生人生智慧 论关爱二十四年前当我戒酒后,一位康复中的老前辈问我:“保罗,你怎么应对当今世界?”我反问道:“您的意思是‘这世界怎样对待我’吗?”他很快回答:。

2、 教育·公益·藝術人生 鄘啟濤博士的人生充滿感人的傳奇故事,歷久彌新。他生於亂世,自强於憂患,貢獻鄉村教育事業,躬親力行“生活教育觀”,一生春風化雨不言倦,成為香港卓。

3、 岁月如歌,歌展人生 人生伊始:人生的曙光——“当初踏进香江那片地,已蕴育一股不屈的心,那乡间带来纯朴坚韧之志,已为这成功播下种子”1976年的一天,正在睡梦中的。

4、 书香润心如兰人生 廖书兰博士她人如其名,“书”是她心头之爱,是生命中不可或缺的重要一部分。她热爱文学,醉心诗词,於她而言,最惬意之事莫过於,俯首案头,在字里行间。

5、 能文能武绘人生华章春风化雨育香江桃李 傅世亨先生是一位博学多识、成就颇丰的艺术家,既能笔走龙蛇、写出洒脱豪放的书法,又能妙手丹青、创作出中西结合的国画作品,还可以以精细活泼的刀工、。

6、 基层强农惠农政策落实情况审计着重点 近年来,国家出台了一系列强农惠农政策,随着这些政策在基层逐步落实,农村地区发展迅速,村级基础设施建设得到加强,农民稳步增收致富,广大农村经济发展。