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分类:职称论文 原创主题:爱尔兰论文 更新时间:2024-03-03


Recently, I moved from Beijing to a very all town on the west coast of Ireland, which is to say, I went from a bustling1 urban life with all kinds of things to see and do, to a quiet country life.

Every time I looked out of my living room window in Beijing, I would see shoppers, friends hanging out and taking selfies, and bicyclists and cars passing by with bells ringing or horns honking2. Now, when I look out of my window in Ireland, I he a view of a mountain across the road and sometimes I see a horse or a donkey in the field leading to the mountain. The pace of life has come to a screeching halt; it’s like driving a Ferrari at top speed then suddenly slamming on the brakes.3

People often think of Ireland as a place with friendly people, heartbreaking folk music, and green landscape. After all, it is known as the “Emerald Isle”4 because it is so green, which is the result of constant rain. The erage number of wet days can range from 151 days a year in the east and southeast, to about 225 days a year in parts of the west. To oid getting soaked, it’s best to carry an umbrella or at least wear rain gear5 at all times.

West Ireland is home to a region called Connemara6. It abuts7 the Atlantic Ocean and has a distinctive landscape. There are vast stretches of mountains, in between which lie all fishing villages, coves8 and bays. Because Connemara is so close to the sea, the seafood is amazing. I’ve eaten delicious crab salad, fresh mussels steamed in a rich broth, tender oked salmon, and creamy seafood chowder.9 Most meals are served with fresh slices of brown bread and generous lashings of10 butter.

To break up the monotony11 of all-town life, I often go for drives around the area. On any given day, these drives allow me to enjoy the breathtaking views of a mostly untouched landscape. Besides, you really can take your time driving around, because there are so many twists and turns12 around mountains, lakes and villages, that you he to drive pretty slowly.

The Connemara region is a part of the country where you can hear people still speaking the Irish tongue. In Ireland there are two official languages. First is Irish, or Gaelic13 as it’s known locally, and is one of the oldest written languages in the world. The other is English. Some Irish people also speak HibernoEnglish14, which is a mix of the two, blending the grammatical style of Irish with English words. Here is an example of Hiberno-English from the touri website Ireland.com: “You never asked if I’d a mouth on me” means“You did not ask whether I was hungry” in English.



1、 吴冷西手表回归记 吴冷西,新闻界前辈,建国后不久任人民日报总编辑兼新华社社长,两大新闻班子一手担当,资历深如海,下笔如有神,跻身“九评”小组副组长。经历了“文革”。

2、 西行记 编辑 方迎忠 郑洁 rwzkphotos@vip 163 com在花久高速上行驶了一个多小时后,我把车停在泊车港。这条高速公路尚未正式通车,是。

3、 岳西炒青记 老家岳西是茶乡,翠兰遐迩四方。乡下农人常喝的却是自制的岳西炒青。炒青属绿茶类,有长炒青、圆炒青、特种炒青之分,我不知道岳西炒青属哪一种。我是喝。

4、 西行漫记中彭德怀身世起 1936年7月,由北平几经辗转后深入陕北苏区的埃德加·斯诺,曾是“在中国红色区域进行采访的第一个西方新闻记者”,在他的著作《西行漫记》中,特地以。

5、 黑户孩子求学记 每回从北京回到老家,王立云都带着够母子俩三个星期穿的衣物。摄影 陈瑶霖7岁的陶陶每天都去上学,但他不明白,为什么自己像一个“影子”,只能坐在教。

6、 C罗力压梅西、格里兹曼第四次获金球奖 北京时间12月13日凌晨,效力於皇马的葡萄牙前锋克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多获得由《法国足球》杂誌主办的2016年金球奖(BALLON D’OR),这。