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关于书写论文范文 书写艺术相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:书写论文 更新时间:2024-03-07



Long before the Internet, and even before the telephone, people relied on pen and paper to communicate. It’s a lot different from writing an email because when you make a mistake, you cannot “backspace1”your errors away. You simply cross out your mistake with your pen and continue writing.

Letter writing was how I first traveled the world, before I could see it with my own eyes. When I was 11 years old, I lived in a small town in Maine2, the most northeast state in the U.S. My teacher told the class one day that each of the students was going to receive the name of a pen pal3 from another country. I had to submit my name and address along with one dollar. Two weeks later, I was given a piece of paper with my new pen pal’s information and wrote my first letter.

To be honest, I can’t remember who my very first pen pal was, because I quickly accumulated many. Within a few years, I was writing to almost 20 dozen kids from faraway places like Brazil, Jamaica4, Austria and China. One girl was a triplet5 from Australia. Another pen pal was a boy from England who liked the same music as me: rock and roll. A girl from Belgium6 asked me about popular TV shows from the U.S. that were showing in her country at the time. Every day after school, I would hurry home and eagerly wait for the postman to deliver our mail. Nothing excited me more than seeing that distinctive “air mail”envelope with my name on it.

Letter writing has been a key means of communication for people throughout history. It played a crucial part in the exploration of the “New World”, as America was once known. Famous names like Christopher Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci graced my history textbooks growing up,7 with stories of their explorations. Much of what we know about them is through the letters they wrote to people back in Europe.

There were two main reasons why these early explorers wrote letters. One was to document for the people back home what they saw as they journeyed through the faraway, mysterious land. “The land in those parts is very fertile and pleasing, abounding in numerous hills and mountains, boundless valleys and mighty rivers,” Amerigo Vespucci wrote to a friend in Italy in the 1500s.8 “Many of these [trees] yield fruits delectable9 to the taste and beneficial to the human body.”



1、 历史书写的三种方式兼谈当代艺术批评的价值取向 编者按:当今的艺术世界在国际殖民主义思想崩溃后,各族群文化已不存在高低优劣之分。在西方文化影响世界的状况下,非西方文化也影响世界,形成了一种多元。

2、 财富管理是门有温度的艺术 财富管理既是财产与情感的管理,也是生命与灵魂的管理。需要的不仅仅是知识、技术、匠心,更需要系统、智慧、爱心,它是一门工于匠心的艺术。于永超,国际。

3、 人文精神伟大冒险人文艺术通史 《人文精神的伟大冒险:人文艺术通史(第七版)》这本书旨在全面介绍人文艺术带给我们的启迪与感动。作为启发心智和健全人格的人文艺术,通过各种创造性形。

4、 艺术无涯传承不止 梁啓明先生多才艺、精书法、研丹青、擅篆刻。作为中华传统文化艺术传承者,多年来创作不息,不吝挥毫、不惜笔墨,为世人呈现出许多精美佳作;更教习无数。

5、 艺术是一种信仰 李翠珍女士少时喜画,常年接受艺术熏陶和父亲的教导,绘画技艺日益提升。创作寻求“仪式感”,以花鸟写意为主。她言艺术是由内而外散发出来的东西,遂不。

6、 毕飞宇获法兰西文学艺术骑士勳章 8月21日,法国文化部授予中国著名作家毕飞宇法兰西文学艺术骑士勳章。授勳仪式在法国驻上海总领事馆官邸举行。法兰西文学艺术骑士勳章1957年由法。