
关于横纹肌论文范文 上海市普陀区横纹肌溶解综合征病例流行病学特征调查相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:横纹肌论文 更新时间:2024-02-01


摘 要:目的 分析上海市普陀區横纹肌溶解综合征的流行病学特征,了解小龙虾相关横纹肌溶解综合征的流行病学特征,以期能明确小龙虾相关横纹肌溶解症和横纹肌溶解症的关系.方法 通过到辖区内二级以上综合医院收集小龙虾相关横纹肌溶解综合征病例,并开展流行病学调查,对小龙虾食潜伏期和临床检验相关结果进行描述性调查分析.结果 横纹肌溶解症患者在临床上多伴有多种基础性疾病.按照患病人数多少排列,患有的基础性疾病依次是心脑血管系统疾病、内分泌/代谢性疾病、精神系统疾病、呼吸系统疾病、食源性疾病/化学药物中毒、泌尿系统疾病和消化系统疾病;出现的临床症状从多到少依次为肌肉疼痛、肌肉无力感、发热、少/无/血尿、腹泻、恶心、呕吐和腹痛;和病人所患的基础疾病有很大的关系;横纹肌溶解症发病率和年龄层级有相关关系,未食用小龙虾发病的患者发病有基础性疾病,发病年龄较大;横纹肌溶解症发病时间不确定,全年均可发生;潜伏期不定,和基础疾病有关.所有病例肌酸激酶(CK)、肌酸激酶同工酶(CKMB)、肌红蛋白显著升高.食用小龙虾后发病的年龄均小于60岁.主要发病的年龄段为20-40岁;年龄、性别对小龙虾相关的横纹肌溶解症无影响;染发、过敏、运动、中暑史、饮酒对小龙虾引起的横纹肌溶解症均无影响;潜伏期最短为3 h,最长为 6 h.所有小龙虾相关横纹肌溶解症患者发病当日最高温度均在32℃~37℃;食用虾头的人更容易患病;食用冰镇小龙虾患横纹肌溶解症的人数最多,其次为食用十三香口味的,其他口味食用者均未患病;小龙虾相关横纹肌溶解症的发病和食用频次无关;所有因食用小龙虾患横纹肌溶解症的病例均食用了2斤以上小龙虾.

结论 小龙虾是导致横纹肌溶解综合征的致病因素之一,但并不是唯一的致病因素.食用部位、气温、小龙虾加工方法、食用数量可能是食用小龙虾引起的横纹肌溶解综合征发病的危险因素.


Epidemiological analysis of rhabdomyolysis syndrome in Putuo district in Shanghai

XinLi1,Raoming-Li1,Shuguang-li2,Xiaolei-sun1,Jiawei-Zhang1, Chao-Yu1,Ruoyao-Yin3 Chao-Yu1, Sihao-Gao3

(1.Putuo district Market surveillance administration, Shanghai, 200333;

2. School of public health in Fudan University, Shanghai, 200032;

3. Health medical College of Shanghai, 200237)

ABSTRACT: Objective to analysis of Shanghai putuo district epidemiological characteristics of rhabdomyolysis syndrome, in order to clear the relationship between crayfish and rhabdomyolysis. Method Through the second class above general hospital collection within their respective

jurisdictions crawfish rhabdomyolysis associated with syndrome cases, and to conduct epidemiological investigation, to eat small lobster preclinical and clinical test results for descriptive research and analysis. Results Rhabdomyolysis patients in clinic are more accompanied by a variety of underlying disease. Arrangement according to the number of cases, with the basic disease was followed by diseases of the cardiovascular system, endocrine and metabolic diseases, mental system disease, respiratory disease, food borne disease/chemical drug poisoning disease of digestive system, urinary system disease, and; Clinical symptoms from more to less of sequence for muscle pain, muscle weakness, fever, little/no/hematuria, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. And at the basis of the patient has a lot to do; Rhabdomyolysis incidence and age levels are related, not eating crayfish disease patients with underlying diseases, the onset of older; Rhabdomyolysis onset time not sure, all can happen all the year round; The incubation period, and basic diseases. All cases of creatine kinase (CK), creatine kinase isoenzyme (CKMB), a significant rise in myoglobin. The patients who eating crayfish were less than 60 years old. The main ages of pathogenesis are between 20 and 40 years old; Crawfish rhabdomyolysis associated morbidity and hierarchy, gender, age have nothing to do; Dye the hair, allergies, sports, history of stroke, drinking rhabdomyolysis were caused no effect by small lobster; The incubation period for 3 h shortest, the longest for 6 h, the median is 4 h. A significant rise in myoglobin; All crayfish rhabdomyolysis associated patients and 37 degrees Celsius, the highest temperature but the lowest temperature at 32 degrees Celsius; Eating shrimp head are more vulnerable to disease; Edible ice crawfish has the greatest number of rhabdomyolysis, followed by the consumption of 13 sweet taste, other taste eaters are not sick; The onset of crayfish rhabdomyolysis associated has nothing to do with eating frequency; All after eating crayfish of rhabdomyolysis cases had more than 1 kg crawfish.



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3、 食用小龙虾和横纹肌溶解症之间相关性进展 克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii),俗称小龙虾。因其具有杂食性、生长速度快的特点,且味道鲜美、营养丰富,是我国重要的淡水经济养。

4、 上海市长宁区2018—2018年麻疹流行病学分析 作者简介:江燕(1980— ),女,主管医师,学士。摘要: [目的] 通过对上海市长宁区麻疹发病情况分析,掌握全区麻疹流行病学特征和发病规律,。

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