
关于帽子论文范文 帽子之谜相关论文写作参考文献

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:帽子论文 更新时间:2024-02-13


“What are you staring at, pipsqueak?”Tanner yelled from across the classroom, crammed into a desk too small for his large frame. I hadn’t really staring at Tanner. I was just looking at his hat—the same hat he’d worn every day since he moved here three weeks ago. It reminded me of Sherlock Holmes’s detective cap.

After school, Tanner was waiting for me in the hallway.“I asked what you were looking at, runt,”he said gruffly, staring downatme.

“Well, I was looking at your hat,”I said. I pointed at the checkered hat with front and back brims and side flaps tied to the top.“It’saSherlockHolmeshat,”Isaid.

“A what?”Tanner demanded, pushing me up. I gulped.“Sherlock Holmes, the great detective. He wears a hat just like that. Have you ever read any Sherlock Holmes mysteries?”Tannerletgoofmyshoulders.Justthenthebellrang.

Later that day, I was at home making a peanut butter sandwich when the phone rang.“Sanchez residence, Josh speaking,”Isaid.


“Uh, hi, Tanner,”I stammered, my heart racing. There was a long pause. Then finally he said,“Tell me more about that detective.”

“Uh, sure,”I said.“Well, Sherlock Holmes solves mysteries that no one else can solve by using his intellectual abilities and astuteskillsofobservation.”“Huh?”wasTanner’sreply.

“I mean, he’s smart, and he can tell things about people just by looking at them,”I added. I took a deep breath.“So, uh, where did you get that hat?”“None of your business!”he roared, and hunguponme.

I couldn’t sleep that night. Was Tanner going to pick on me tomorrow?Whydidhewearthathateveryday?

“Why do you think some kids act tough at school?”I asked mymomthenextmorningatbreakfast.

“Well, maybe they feel awkward and insecure about something, so they try to act tough to make up for it.”she said as sheslidtwofriedeggsontomyplate.

“Like being the biggest kid in class?”“Possibly,”she said, sippinghercoffee.“Beingdifferentcanbehardforpeople.”

That morning, Tanner was waiting for me outside the classroom with his arms crossed, wearing his hat.“Give me your lunch money,”he hissed, and held out his hand. I spotted his openbackpackonthefloor.

“Why do you need lunch money when you brought a tuna sandwichforlunch?”Iasked,thensteppedbackandlooked up at Tanner nervously.“Hey, how did you know that?”He demanded.“Well, I can smell the tuna, so I deduced that you have a tuna sandwich in your backpack.”



1、 趣人名诗谜 谜语是我国一种传统的艺术形式,如果谜面为诗或词的即为诗(词)谜,谜底如果是人名的,则叫人名诗谜。人名诗谜比一般普通谜语要高雅得多,因此更具欣赏性。

2、 纽西之谜刘晓坤高纬度商业模式新作 “在商业丛林中,经常是强敌环伺,无论你处于怎样的市场地位,都没有绝对安全的位置,因为随时有可能遭受致命一击,即便你是个巨头。”这就是商业世界里。

3、 股市黑嘴抢帽子游戏 作为证券节目中的知名人物,“黑嘴”朱炜明通过亲属账户大量买入目标股,而后在节目中推荐,推荐后3个交易日卖出,实现抢帽子交易。而该节目的主持人廖某。

4、 破解我国海铁联运短路之谜 实行海铁联运模式将是我国企业直接降低物流成本的重要措施,也是我国整个物流行业重要的发展方向。随着我国“一带一路”战略的提出,中国经济全球化将进。

5、 抢帽子廖英强,必须赔偿投资者损失 日前,证监会公开了对上海第一财经《谈股论金》节目嘉宾主持人廖英强的处罚决定,依据《证券法》第203条的规定,决定没收其违法所得4310万元,。

6、 工银瑞信巨无霸委外基金之谜 这家坐拥“宇宙行”背景的基金公司在委外业务上“比预期走得还要远”。3月23日,工银瑞信最新一只偏股型基金工银新得利发布合同生效公告,最终募集资。