
关于Statusquo论文范文 Statusquo(H1,2018)ofChinasknittingindustry相关论文写作参考文献

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:Statusquo论文 更新时间:2024-02-29


In January-June this year, the knitting industry remained a stable and rapid growth. Its investment picked up, and the production of the enterprises above designated size added up to 6.618 billion(Picture 1).This article briefed the performance and features of the industry in the first half year.

Economic results

The business income and the profit of knitting fabrics and knitwear kept growing stable, while the growth gradually eased.

In terms of knitting fabrics, the business income reached 113.49 billion yuan, up 3.95 percentage points year on year, 10 percentage points lower than that of the last year, and 2.4 percentage points slower than the first quarter; the profit reached 5.69 billion yuan, up 4.3 percentage points, 10 percentage points lower than that of the last year, and 3.2 percentage points slower than the first quarter.

In terms of knitwear, the business income reached 142.79 billion yuan, up 6.4 percentage points year on year, 4 percentage points lower than that of the last year, and 2.9 percentage points slower than the first quarter; the profit reached 6.64 billion yuan, up 5.58 percentage points, 9.9 percentage points lower than that of the last year, and 1.1 percentage points slower than the first quarter.


The actual completed investment projects in knitwear sector picked up, while the newly-commenced ones sustained their growth.

In terms of knitting fabrics, the actual completed investment projects reached 22.97 billion yuan by an increase of 8 percentage points year on year, 2.5 percentage points lower than the same period of last year; the newly-commenced projects did 526, going up 13.6 percentage points year on year.

In terms of knitwear, the actual completed investment projects reached 28.38 billion yuan by an increase of 41.3 percentage points year on year, 24.8 percentage points higher than the same period of last year; the newly-commenced projects did 544, going up 24.8 percentage points year on year.

Import & export

For knitting fabrics


Viewed from the latest five years, the market demand for knitting fabrics developed rapidly. The growth of the quantity kept stable, while the growth of the price fell compared with the year of 2011. (Table 1)

In the main markets, the quantities in ASEAN and America increased largely, up 19.62 and 14.96 percentage points respectively year on year; the ones in the EU and Japan decreased sharply, down 10.55 and 17.37 percentage points respectively year on year.



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