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分类:硕士论文 原创主题:企业论文 更新时间:2024-03-20


康平納 实现智能染纱

Shandong Companion Group: The cone yarn intelligent dyeing plant




The cone yarn intelligent dyeing plant is based on the complete technological and equipment for digital automatic cone yarn dyeing which got the first prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award. By means of the comprehensive upgrade the digitization, informatiziton and intelligentize, the plant has achieved the digitization and automation in the whole process of production from grey yarn to color yarn. It has built a cone yarn dyeing intelligent manufacturing new model including yarn winding, production scheduling, logistic system automatic matching, productive task automatic performance, special purpose robot instead of manual work, online detection and feedback for the overall dyeing process parameter, production quality controllable, and team viewer, achieving closer integration of the traditional dyeing process and the internet.

Compared with the traditional dyeing production, thanks to the equipment, 70% labor can be reduced and the production efficiency can be increased by 28%; the first pass yield of dyeing can be increased from 80% to above 96%; 29% cost reduction; the defect rate of the products can be reduced more than 50%; steam saving, energy consumption per unit output value can be reduced more than 25%; 70% tons of yarn water saving; 68% pollution emission can be reduced .

The intelligent dyeing plant by means of the production models change(change the models from the traditional multi product and low volume to largescale and batches) and make use of the technology of internet and team viewer to achieve the technology sharing and collaborative production between the plants in the color yarn center all over China. By means of the intelligent production and high quality manufacturing, the company has achieved the intelligent dyeing of cone yarn and met the the high-end textile market demand.



1、 加强企业内部控制建设 加强企业内部控制建设,既是企业经营市场化和现代企业加强经济管理的需要,又是企业经济活动国际化的需要。对于提高企业经营效率,保护财产安全,实现经营。

2、 国有企业计算机审计和实践 当前,我国审计事业正处于以信息化为标志向现代审计全面发展的技术转型期和战略机遇期。它改变了以往传统审计作业模式和手段,同时给审计人员的思维带来了。

3、 企业职工养老保险基金联网审计系统构建和应用 一、企业职工养老保险基金联网审计现状及问题近年来,对于信息化环境下养老保险基金联网审计系统的构建已经取得了一定的成果,为推进养老保险基金联网审。

4、 煤炭企业合同管理风险和内部审计 煤炭作为我国的主要能源之一,在经济发展中占有重要的战略地位。面对不断变化的市场环境,煤炭企业也顺应市场发展以及我国的战略规划逐步进行资源整合、做。

5、 加强市县国有企业经济责任审计 国有企业经济责任审计是加强对干部管理和监督,实现国有资产保值增值的重要举措。2017年6月14日,陕西省委办公厅印发《关于深化国有企业和国有资本。

6、 加强企业国有产权变动审计监督 一、企业国有产权变动的涵义与主要原则企业国有产权变动主要是指国家出资企业及其所属全资、控股和参股企业国有产权转让、划转、抵押、质押、担保、增资。