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关于数值模拟论文范文 排气三通管道分散流流动特性的数值模拟与分析相关论文写作参考文献

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:数值模拟论文 更新时间:2024-01-25


摘 要:为减小排气T型三通管道中的局部压力损失,利用FLUENT软件对其分散流动特性进行数值模拟,分析支管与总管流通截面积比、夹角、质量流量比及流体温度对管道总压损失系数的影响规律.结果表明:总管流速和气体温度对总压损失系数影响不大,支管与总管质量流量比却对总压损失系数影响显著;分支管与总管夹角、分支管与总管流通截面比对总管通支管总压损失系数的影响不明显,但对总管分支管总压损失系数的影响显著.通过数值模拟和分析建议T型三通管推荐结构为分支管与总管夹角α等于45°,分支管与总管流通截面比A3/A1的适宜范围为0.8~1.数值模拟结果与前人研究及试验结果比对,趋势一致,计算精度较高,可为类似汽车排气分流技术开发提供依据.








LI Xiong,LIU Weijun,TANG Piao,et al.Numerical simulation and analysis on the dispersed flow characteristics in tee branch pipe of exhaust system[J].Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology,2014,35(3):272278.Numerical simulation and analysis on the dispersed flow

characteristics in tee branch pipe of exhaust system

LI Xiong1, LIU Weijun2, TANG Piao1, DU Xinghui1

(1. School of Automotive Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China; 2. School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China)

Abstract:In order to reduce the local pressure loss in Ttype tee pipe, a numerical simulation based on FLUENT software was carried out for the dispersed flow characteristics of the tee branch pipe, with the influence analysis on the total pressure loss coefficient under different conditions of the flow area ratio, angle, mass flow ratio and fluid temperature of the branch and main pipes. The simulation results show that the flow velocity and temperature of the main pipe he little impact on the total pressure loss coefficient, but the mass flow ratios of branch and main pipes he important influence; both the angles and flow area ratios of branch and main pipes he little impact on the total pressure loss coefficient of mainstraight pipe, yet they he significant impact on the total pressure loss coefficient of mainbranch pipes. Through numerical simulation and analysis, the structure of tee branch pipe is recommended that angle α of branchmain pipe is 45°, and flow area ratio A3/A1 of branch and main pipes is within the appropriate range of 0.8 to 1. The numerical simulation and experimental results are compared with previous studies, showing the same trend and high accuracy of calculation, which can provide the basis for similar car exhaust diversion technology development.



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