
关于HasWechatBecomeOurWayofLife论文范文 HasWechatBecomeOurWayofLife相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:HasWechatBecomeOurWayofLife论文 更新时间:2024-02-26


Abstract: Amusing Ourselves to Death has demonstrated howTV has changed people’s life. This paper mainly demonstrates some analysis and reflections from the perspective of a newly emerged multimodality media——WeChat.It is depicted how Wechat has exerted the profound effects on man’s way of life, thought and cognitivecapacity, way of communication, reading habit, etc..

Key words:Wechat; Media;Amusing Ourselves to Death

1. Introduction

In Amusing Ourselves to Death, Postman regards television’s entertainment value as a present-day “soma”, by means of which the citizens’ rights are exchanged for consumers’ entertainment. Now we have indeed come to the “Screen time” since we may spend hours in front of computer, mobile phone and video monitor.The essential premise of the book, which Postman extends to the rest of his argument, is that “form excludes the content”. That is, a particular medium can onlysustain a particular level of ideas. Thus rational argument, integral to print typography, is militated against by the medium of television for the aforesaid reason.

In this changing information time, various technologies and services emerge in an endless stream. Newly born communicative technology has brought about a radical change to human being’s life. WeChat, whose users reached 200 million. It has exerted a great influence on every aspect of mankind’s life.

2. Reflections of the Book-From the Perspective of WeChat

WeChat is the largest standalone-messaging app by monthly active users. Some IT critics said that by far WeChat is likely to be the fastest growing online communication tools. The newly emerged multimodality media is alternating our lifestyle, the way we conceive the world, reading habit and way of communication.

First of all, medium has changed man’s way of life. The communication functions of WeChat mainly involve text messages, voice messages, chatting and voice calls. In the field of mobile instant communication, WeChat no doubt has defeated all the competitors, occupying the first position. The popularity and massive acceptance of it indeed reflects that man tend to favor a more convenient, hurried and rapid way of communication.

Moreover, WeChat has altered the structure of people’s mind and their cognitive capacities. It is said “there is water everywhere, while nowhere can we drink it.” We are drenched in an ocean of messages but nowhere can we identify valuable messages. We can hardly identify any profound thinking, penetrating analysis, deep sensibility or sincere sharing on WeChat, which are like rare shining gold among the sand.




