
关于Whereculturescollide论文范文 Whereculturescollide相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:Whereculturescollide论文 更新时间:2024-01-21


As violent attacks by Uyghur extremists spilled from Xinjiang into other parts of China in recent months, stemming the bloody tide has become top of the central government’s agenda.

While the Chinese government and the State media primarily blame violent attacks on interference by external forces and the influence of religious extremi in Xinjiang, Western media and the overseas Uyghur diaspora he highlighted China’s domestic policies and ethnic tensions resulting from mass migration into the region from other parts of China.

However, the complete picture of what is happening in Xinjiang is far more complex.

Located at the midway point on the ancient Silk Road and caught between contending powers in all directions, the region that is now Xinjiang has been a flashpoint for ethnic, religious and political turmoil, as well as profound cultural interaction, throughout its known history, resulting in a complicated relationship with the various powers that he ruled this diverse swath of territory throughout the centuries.

Constant cultural, religious and commercial mingling continues to shape regional identities, as well as public perceptions of Xinjiang and its people. To fully grasp the complexity of Xinjiang and its many problems, a solid understanding of the region’s ancient and modern history is essential.

Early History

Today, people often talk about Xinjiang as a unified entity, but Xinjiang as a single polity is a comparatively recent phenomenon. For most of its history, Xinjiang only existed as a loose conglomeration of competing and cohabiting cultures within borders that shifted and changed with the rise and fall of civilizations.

Geographically, Xinjiang broadly consists of two distinct regions divided by the Tian Shan ranges, regions given different historical names by their various inhabitants. The southern half, dominated by the vast Taklamakan Desert, has long been known as the Tarim Basin, a region historically inhabited by sedentary oasis dwellers of different ethnicities and traditions. The northern half, with its steppes and river valleys, has traditionally provided a homeland for nomadic tribes of herders, giving the area stronger ethnic and cultural ties to the Mongolian plateau and the Central Asian steppes than to the desertdwelling cultures of the old Silk Road.

The region, known as Xiyu or “western Regions” durign the Han Dynasty in the 1st Century BC, was treated as an integral part of China’s territory since the Han Dynasty eventually repelled the nomadic Huns from repeated raiding and plundering northern China.




