快捷分类: 脑卒中护理论文 脑卒中建模论文 脑卒中的康复护理论文 脑卒中康复护理论文 脑梗护理论文 高血压脑出血护理论文

关于脑卒中论文范文 上海市某社区脑卒中高危人群危险因素现状分析相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:脑卒中论文 更新时间:2024-02-19


摘 要 目的:了解和掌握本社区农村35岁以上常住居民脑卒中高危人群危险因素的分布状况,为本社区建立脑卒中高危人群干预体系提供依据.方法:采用分层随机抽样的方法,抽取本社区15个村的35岁以上常住居民共1 694例,其中男性679人(40.1%),女性1 015人(59.9%).脑卒中风险初筛评估危险因素包括高血压、血脂异常、糖尿病、房颤、吸烟、超重肥胖、缺少锻炼和脑卒中家族史等.结果:共有500人符合脑卒中高危对象标准,高危对象检出率为29.5%.男性的检出率高于女性(35.9%比25.2%,P<0.05).70岁及以上人群中的高危对象检出率最高,36~49岁人群的检出率最低(P<0.05).在高危对象中,脑卒中危险因素流行率的顺位为高血压86.8%,超重或肥胖46.2%,糖尿病38.6%,吸烟31.2%,缺少体育锻炼27.8%,血脂异常14.4%,房颤13.6%.女性高危对象中房顫和糖尿病的流行率高于男性(P<0.05).吸烟是男性高危对象的主要危险因素(61.9%).不同年龄组间缺少体育锻炼和超重或肥胖的流行率有明显差异(P<0.05).结论:本社区有较高比例的脑卒中高危人群;应针对不同性别和年龄的人群开展有针对性地健康教育及干预措施,积极防治高血压、糖尿病等慢性病,鼓励合理饮食,多参加体育活动,以减少社区人群发生脑卒中的风险.

关键词 脑卒中;社区;高危人群;危险因素;分析

中图分类号:R743.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2017)08-0043-03

Analysis of risk factors in the high-risk population with stroke in a community in Shanghai

WANG Linan, NIE Lianlian, WANG Tong, SHEN Zhuhua

(Zhujing Community Health Service Center of Jinshan District, Shanghai 201599, China)

ABSTRACT Objective: To understand and master the distribution of risk factors for the high risk population with stroke in the rural residents over 35 years old to provide a scientific basis for the establishment of the intervention system for the high risk stroke group in this community. Methods: With the method of stratified random sampling, a total of 1 694 cases over 35 years old were selected in 15 villages in this community of whom 679 cases were male(40.1%), and 1 015 cases female(59.9%). Risk factors for the risk preliminary screening assessment of stroke included hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, smoking, overweight, obesity, lack of exercise and family history of stroke. Results: A total of 500 cases met the criteria for stroke risk, and high risk detection rate was 29.5%. The detection rate of the male was higher than that of the female(35.9% to 25.2%, P<0.05). The highest detection rate of the high-risk objects was 70 years old and above, and the detection rate of 36~49 years old population was the lowest(P<0.05). In the high-risk objects, the sequence of prevalence of risk factors for stroke was hypertension 86.8%, overweight or obesity 46.2%, diabetes 38.6%, smoking 31.2%, lack of physical exercise 27.8%, dyslipidemia 13.6%, and atrial fibrillation 14.4%. Prevalence of atrial fibrillation and diabetes in the high risk female objects was higher than that of the male(P<0.05). Smoking was a major risk factor for the men at high risk(61.9%). There was a significant difference in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among different age groups(P<0.05). Conclusion: The community has a high proportion of people with high risk of stroke. Targeted health education and intervention measures, active prevention and treatment of hypertension, diabetes and other chronic diseases, encouraging a reasonable diet and taking part in sports activities for different gender and age groups should be carried out to reduce the risk of stroke in the community population.



1、 上海市甘泉社区60岁上人群盲和低视力现况调查 【摘要】 目的 调查上海市普陀区甘泉社区60岁及以上人群盲与低视力患病率及致盲原因。方法 现况调查。普陀区眼牙病防治所和甘泉社区卫生服务中心对上。

2、 肾病高危人群,有你吗 肾脏就像人体的污水处理厂,负责清除体内的有毒物质和代谢废物。人们吃进去的食物,特别是动物性蛋门,会产生代谢废物,若不能及时清除,就会积蓄起来危害。

3、 叶酸联合降压药,防H型高血压脑卒中 王女士55岁,平时饮食偏咸,又不爱吃蔬菜瓜果,发现血压升高11年。平时,她每天服1片降压“0”号,1年前,她发现左侧肢体活动不灵,去医院就诊,C。

4、 脑卒中颈动脉狭窄是幕后元凶 【病案实录】67岁的孙爷爷退休前是个老工人,每天在车间忙里忙外倒也不觉得累,可退休后却常常出现右腿不听使唤、说话吐字不清楚等情况,有时晨起洗漱。

5、 农村家庭护理干预对脑卒中患者自我护理能力影响 摘 要 目的:探讨农村家庭护理干预对脑卒中偏瘫患者自我护理能力的影响。方法:2014年9—12月选取社区中脑卒中偏瘫正处于恢复期或后遗症期患者8。

6、 刺络拔罐结合康复训练治疗脑卒中后肘痉挛 摘 要:选取2014年10月至2016年10月收治的78例脑卒中后肘痉挛患者,分为两组,每组各39例。予以对照组患者巴氯芬口服治疗,观察组患者刺。