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关于宫颈癌论文范文 宫颈刮板和宫颈刷筛查宫颈癌对析相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:宫颈癌论文 更新时间:2024-03-08


摘 要 目的:比較用宫颈刮板和用宫颈刷采集样品筛查宫颈癌的效果.方法:将2012年采用宫颈木制刮板采集宫颈脱落细胞的39 886例筛查妇女作为A组,将2013年采用宫颈刷采集宫颈脱落细胞的35 663例妇女作为B组.比较巴氏涂片异常检出率,对巴氏Ⅱb及以上患者进行 镜和病理学检查,比较两组宫颈癌前病变及宫颈癌的检出率.结果:B组巴氏异常的检出率为0.95%(338/35 663),明显高于A组的0.80%(319/39 886),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);B组的巴氏Ⅱb及以上检出率为0.53%(190/35 663)也明显高于A组的0.34%(135/39 886),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);对于巴氏Ⅱb及以上的患者进行阴道镜和病理检查,A组检查的符合率为77.7%(108/135),B组检查的符合率94.7%(180/190),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).B组宫颈癌前病变LSIL和HSIL的检出率为0.22%和0.19%,均明显高于A组的0.08%和0.13%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);B组宫颈低级别病变的占比(39.80%)高于A组(22.22%)差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:在宫颈癌筛查中使用宫颈刷采集宫颈脱落细胞筛查效果优于宫颈刮板.

关键词 宫颈癌;筛查;宫颈刷;宫颈刮板;宫颈脱落细胞

中图分类号:R737.33 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2018)04-0059-04

Comparative analysis of the effects of cervical scraper and cervical brush in screening for cervical cancer

CHEN Xiuhua, ZHANG Min, YANG Qing, CHEN Wei

(Maternal and Child Health Care Center of Songjiang District, Shanghai 201620, China)

ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the effects of cervical scraper and cervical brush to collect samples for screening cervical cancer. Methods: The Pap smear examination was performed to the collected female cervical exfoliative cells to compare the detection of cervical lesions and the early diagnosis. In 2012, 39 886 cases of cervical exfoliative cells collected by cervical wood scraper were screened as group A, and in 2013 35 663 women who used cervical brush to collect cervical exfoliative cells were treated as group B. With Pap smear abnormal detection rate, the patients with pasteurized II B and above were examined with the colposcopy and pathological examination. The detection rates of the two groups of cervical precancerous lesions and cervical cancer were compared. Results: The detection rate of pasteurized abnormality in group B was 0.95%(338/35 663), which was significantly higher than that in group A 0.80%(319/39 886), and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). The detection rate of Pasteur II B and above in group B was 0.53% (190/35 663), which was significantly higher than that in group A 0.34%(135/39 886), and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Colposcopy and pathological examination were performed for patients with Pasteur II B or above. The coincidence rate of group A was 77.7%(108/135), that of group B was 94.7%(180/190), and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). The detection rates of LSIL and HSIL for cervical precancerous lesions in group B were 0.22% and 0.19%, which were significantly higher than those in group A 0.08% and 0.13%, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). The proportion of low grade cervical lesions in group B accounted for 39.80%, which was higher than that in group A 22.22%, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion: The effect of collecting cervical exfoliative cells by cervical brush in screening cervical cancer is better than that by cervical wood scraper.



1、 上海市某社区2019—2019年大肠癌筛查与肠镜检查依从性分析 大肠癌是常见的消化道恶性肿瘤之一,在男性和女性中的发病率分别位居全球恶性肿瘤的第3位和第2位[1],大肠癌发病率的上升已引起高度重视,全国多地开。

2、 低剂量螺旋CT在企业型社区早期肺癌筛查中应用价值 摘 要 目的:探讨低剂量螺旋CT在企业型社区中进行肺癌筛查的应用价值。方法:对5 877名职工胸部低剂量CT体检资料进行回顾性分析,总结肺结节和。

3、 宫颈癌筛查技术最新筛查指南 摘 要 宫颈癌是中国女性第二常见的癌症类型,却是可通过早期筛查予以彻底防治的癌症。及早进行宫颈癌筛查可有效防治宫颈癌。随着对宫颈癌发病机制认识的。

4、 上海奉贤区某社区居民大肠癌筛查结果分析 摘 要 目的:探讨危险度评估和粪便隐血试验(FOBT)对社区大肠癌筛查的效果。方法:通过危险度评估和FOBT联合方法进行社区大肠癌筛查,初筛高危。

5、 刮板取料机工作装置设计有限元分析 [摘要]利用Solidworks对刮板取料机工作装置的结构部件进行三维造型,并采用自下而上的方法进行装配。运用ANSYS有限元分析软件对刮板取料。

6、 基于呼出气体检测肺癌筛查仪再设计 摘 要:肺癌是临床常见的恶性肿瘤之一,病死率居恶性肿瘤首位,据统计资料显示,肺癌的早期诊断会直接影响患者的预后,因此筛查肺癌的方式以及能否及时地。