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关于学生英语习作论文范文 中学生带手机进校园利弊(学生英语习作)相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:学生英语习作论文 更新时间:2024-03-30


Nowadays, people, especially students, are desperately crazy about getting their hands on the variety of handphones such as Iphone or the Galaxy Notes. However, there are advantages and disadvantages of bringing the handphone to school.

For one thing, handphones can make the lesson easier. A handphone has a lot of usages. For example, students can use the handphone to calculate in Mathematics lesson by using the calculator function. Furthermore, the students can also listen to music to release the tension during recess.

On the other side of the coin, bringing handphone to school may invite the phone misuse. Taking and sharing inappropriate graphic materials is one of the misuses of handphone. Irresponsible students like to download and share the explicit materials although the materials are not suitable for them. Besides, it can help students to cheat in examinations easily. So, the increase in their marks means nothing because it does not show their true academic performance. Thus, there is no guarantee for the students to have a bright future.

Secondly, bringing handphone to school is very important because it can be used for emergency. For instance, when fire happens at school, the parents can call their children and ask about their condition. Besides, it can also be used when students are sick at school. They can call their parents to tell them about their health. They can also use their handphone to call their parents when they are late to return home.

Meanwhile, bringing handphone to school can cause many social problems. Problems like bullying and theft will arise because of the handphones. If the senior students see that their juniors are bringing more expensive handphones to school, they will feel threatened. As a result, they try to seize the handphone forcefully. Theft or stealing may also happen when a student carelessly leave his handphone in the classroom.

On top of that, handphones will become a distraction in the student’s lesson. New messages or incoming calls will surely distract the student’s focus on what the teacher is saying in front of the class. Their brain cannot cope with doing two different things at the same time.

In a nutshell, whether bringing the handphone to school is good or bad highly depends on how the students use it. Unfortunately, their immature behaviours are not suitable for this privilege because if you give them an inch, they will take a yard. Thus, the government should not allow the students to bring the handphone to school.



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