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分类:本科论文 原创主题:欧元论文 更新时间:2024-03-03


Modernisation and, to a certain extent, expansion as well: This is what German exhibition centres are going to invest more than ?1.2 billion in for their facilities by the year 2022. Further investments are planned for infrastructure and catering. These are the results of a survey carried out by the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA) in February 2017 of 25 exhibition centres of national and international significance. Existing hall capacities of 2,795,509 sqm are to be expanded by a total of around 55,000 sqm, representing an increase of 2% over five years. Growing demands on sustainability and energy efficiency will play key roles.

德国展览业协会(AUMA)针对25个德国展览馆的调研显示,截至2022年,德国的会展场馆将投入12亿欧元来进行场馆的升级和扩建.德国展览场馆可用面积将从现在的2,795,509 平米增加55,000平米.此外,可持续发展和提高能效使用率是升级扩建过程中的重要议题.


Following exhibition year 2015, Fiera Milano has had to lower its sights in 2016. According to the annual report, revenue dropped by 34% to 221.0 million euros. The net operating result was minus 23 million euros, a plummet of 37 million euros from the profit of around 14 million euros in 2015. In 2016, besides the missing Expo, none of the large biennial fairs were scheduled, which could he contributed to the operating profit.



The profit reported by MCH Group for 2016 has exceeded that of the years 2015 and 2014. Compared with previous years, the figures are substantially better than 2015 and come close to 2014’s figures. The revenue was up from 2015 by 5.1 percent, but is -2.6 percent below fiscal year 2014 despite Swissbau, Ilmac and Holz. The reason given by MCH Group was the "noticeably tougher national and international economic conditions for its business activities". (mch-group. com)



Working in the meeting and event industry is exciting: 66% of women surveyed reported that they love their job. However, compared with their male colleagues, only three out of ten women feel they’ve been equally treated when it comes to salary. Every second woman believes she has not been treated equally; two out of ten are not sure. These are the key findings of the study"Women in the Meeting and Event Industry – equal partner or assistant?" conducted by the trade magazines tw tagungswirtschaft and m+a report jointly with the IMEX trade show. Almost twothirds (64%) of the women were convinced that the meeting and event industry needs more female leadership.



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4、 欧盟对谷歌调查七年开出24.2亿欧元天价罚单 经过长达近七年的周旋,欧盟对谷歌的调查结果尘埃落定。6月27日,欧盟对美国科技巨头谷歌公司正式开出24 4亿欧元(约合27亿美元)的罚单。欧盟委。

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