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关于跟踪论文范文 跟踪导练(三)相关论文写作参考文献

分类:专科论文 原创主题:跟踪论文 更新时间:2024-01-19




When Wei Yong returned home to his parents’ village last year, Shangma Huangtou, to visit his mother, he heard about the tremors. One night, the villagers told him the village was rocked by what everyone thought was an earthquake. The ground shook. The houses trembled. And the earth broke open.

There had been no earthquake, however. Instead, in this all village in the central province of Shanxi, three large coal mining operations had been digging underground for coal—day and night, sometimes using dynamite(). And from far below, they had broke the earth.

While Shanxi provides the coal that powers China’s economy, thousands of areas of land are sinking because of underground coal mining.

All night long, residents here say, trucks carrying coal waste empty their load off the side of the mountain. And all day long trucks overloaded with coal run past the village, breaking the roads and covering the road-side homes with coal waste.

Today, Shangma Huangtou has no water. Villagers say the stream running through here dried up 10 years ago. Now, the wells he run dry, too. It used to be that every family had a well; now the village hires a truck to fetch water from a mile away.

Some villagers often talk about the village’s founding myth, an old fable(神话)about how the beautiful village was founded with a all lake in its center. But one day, according to the fable, a man from southern China stole the village frog, bringing ruin to Shangma Huangtou.

“I don’t believe this myth,” Mr Lin, the village chief, said. “I believe there’s no water because of the coal mines. The earth is like the human body. And the water is like the blood in your veins(血管). But now there’s no water; no blood.”

1. The underlined word “tremors” in Paragraph 1 probably means “___”.

A. noisesB. shakes

C. earthquakesD. developments

2. The land of Shangma Huangtou is sinking because of ___ .

A. the use of dynamite

B. frequent earthquakes

C. its geographic position

D. continuous underground coal mining

3. According to the passage,the villagers probably used to fetch water from ___ .

A. a stream a mile away

B. the well in each family

C. one side of the mountain

D. a all lake in central village

4. What’s the main purpose of the author writing the text?

A. To suggest coal mining should be stopped.



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