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关于瓶装水论文范文 关于瓶装水的15个小秘密相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:瓶装水论文 更新时间:2024-01-18


Some of us get our water for free from the tap. The rest pay for it — at the cost of roughly $100 billion a year. At that steep a price tag, you might assume buying the bottled stuff would be worth it. In most cases, you"d be wrong. For the vast majority of Americans, a glass from the tap and a glass from the bottle are virtually identical as far as their health and nutritional quality are concerned. In some cases, publicly-sourced tap may actually be safer since it is usually tested more frequently.


Read on to find out all the things you don’t know about your drinking water.


1. The first documented case of bottled water being sold was in Boston in the 1760s, when a company called Jackson"s Spa bottled and sold mineral water for “therapeutic” uses. Companies in Saratoga Springs and Albany also appear to he packaged and sold water.

瓶装水最初在18世纪60年始出售,当时有一家叫Jackson"s Spa的公司把矿物质水装瓶出售,说是“有益健康”.在萨拉托加斯普林斯和奥尔巴尼也有公司开始把水包装后出售.

2. Across the globe, people drink roughly 10% more bottled water every year, but Americans continue to consume more packaged water than people in other countries do.


3. At 12.8 billion gallons, or 39 gallons per person, Americans today drink more bottled water than milk or beer.


4. Americans drank more bottled water than soda for the first time in 2016. “Bottled water effectively reshaped the beverage marketplace,” Michael C. Bellas, Beverage Marketing’s chairman and CEO, said in a recent statement.

2016年美国瓶装水饮用量首次超过苏打水.Beverage Marketing的主席兼CEO Michael C. Bellas在最近的一次声明中说:“瓶装水有效地重塑了饮料市场.”

5. It"s not cheap. At an erage cost of $1.22 per gallon, we"re spending 300 times more on bottled water than we"d spend to drink from the tap. But that number could be even higher, some analysts he pointed out, since most sales are for single bottles.


6. But research suggests that for most Americans, the stuff in a bottle is not better for you than the stuff in your tap. In fact, a recent report found that almost half of all bottled water is actually derived from the tap. In 2007, Pepsi (Aquafina) and Nestle (Pure Life) had to change their labels to more accurately reflect this.



1、 打开心扉,正确对待自己小秘密 从某种程度上说,现代社会就是个会催生许多秘密的社会。大到世界奥秘,小到个人情感,我们把秘密藏在心里,这些秘密有喜有忧,如水也如歌。麦田稻鹰:。

2、 动物们稀奇古怪小秘密 We go to the zoo to see animals We feed(喂)them and play with them But。

3、 动物小秘密 旁报题 鹦鹉为什么会学人说话?快比 Q博士,我们来了。Q博士 你们来了,欢迎!鹦鹉 欢迎!欢迎!快比 你好!鹦鹉你好有礼貌呀!鹦鹉 你。

4、 扫把头也有小秘密 谁说我们的尾巴是“扫把”?要问我们的尾巴从哪里来?在茫茫宇宙中,我们原本是一个个不起眼的、冰冷的小天体。而当我们靠近太阳时,在阳光的魔法下,我。

5、 喝的是瓶装水,咽下的是塑料颗粒 随着人们更多地追求“纯净”的生活,碳酸饮料越来越不受欢迎,而瓶装水的销量则在不断增长。国际瓶装水协会最新数据显示,2017年,瓶装水已经超过碳酸。

6、 消灭瓶装水 英国的“向塑料宣战”运动有了新进展。3月22日,伦敦动物园推出了一款特别的罐装水,取代了园内所有塑料瓶装水的销售。这批罐装水的铝制瓶上印着姿态。