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关于新目标英语论文范文 新目标英语八年级(下)Unit2STEPBYSTEP随堂通相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:新目标英语论文 更新时间:2024-04-06




( )1. Helen volunteers at an Old People’s Home.A. You are right.

( )2. We should care for old people more. B. I can help you repair it.

( )3. My bike is broken. C. She is great.

( )4. How will you do with the clothes? D. I enjoy reading and singing.

( )5. What are your interest and hobbies? E. I’ll give them to poor people.


( )1. —Don’t be so sad. You should _______. Everything will be better.

—Thanks for your help. I’ll get through.

A. cheer up B. give up C. fix up D. put up

( )2. —My aunt goes to climb mountains every Sunday.

—Oh? But she _______ hate climbing mountains.

A. used to B. was used to C. is used to D. use to

( )3. —It’s too noisy here. I can’t stand it.

—Me, too. We have to _______ new ways to solve the problem.

A. catch up with B. keep up with C. come up with D. look up with

( )4. —Let’s do our part to help the homeless people.

—Good. And now we should make some _______ first.

A. plans B. decisions C. stories D. ads

( )5. —I think I can work in an animals’ hospital.

—But do you know anything about how to _______ animals?

A. think about B. care about C. look for D. look after


1. We normal people should help those d_______ ones.

2. He can’t watch TV because it is b_______.

3. B_______ people are those who can’t see well.

4. Because of her k_______, we got out of trouble at last.

5. Henry has no i_______ in playing computer games.

6. Everything c_______ when he came back to his hometown again.

7. Dora is so c_______ that no math problems are difficult for her.

8. I want to give my old school things a_______.

9. A car has two or four doors and four w_______.

10. Can you help me c_______ these vegetables onto the truck?


( )1. —I am asked to _______ my room every weekend.

—That’s a good idea.

A. clean up B. cut up C. put up D. call up

( )2. —Why do you collect so many old bikes?

—I’ll have them _______ and give away to the children who don’t have bikes.

A. used up B. given up C. fixed up D. set up

( )3. —I don’t think Sue is now used to _______ in this neighborhood.

—But I am sure she will be soon.



1、 新目标英语七年级(上)Unit2STEPBYSTEP随堂通 [Section A]一、根据句意填写单词,首字母已给出。1 Jack and Helen are Jim’s p________ J。

2、 新目标英语八年级(上)Unit3STEPBYSTEP随堂通 [Section A]一、根据句意填写单词,首字母已给出。1 Claire likes to sit q________ in the。

3、 新目标英语七年级(上)Unit4STEPBYSTEP随堂通 一、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1 打扰一下,我的尺子在哪里?________ ________, ________ my ruler。

4、 新目标英语八年级(下)Unit10STEPBYSTEP随堂通 ■一、从B栏中找出与A栏相匹配的答语。A B( )1 Have you ever been to the Summer Palace?。

5、 新目标英语七年级(下)Unit3STEPBYSTEP随堂通 Section A一、从B栏中找出与A栏句子相对应的答语。二、根据句意填写单词,首字母已给出。1 He gets up e , so h。

6、 新目标英语七年级(下)Unit3STEPBYSTEP随堂通 一、从B栏中找出与A栏句子相对应的答语。■■二、根据句意填写单词,首字母已给出。1 He gets up e , so he is n。