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Contents and Abstracts

[Theories and Thoughts]

Title: Understanding Ming Qing China through The Needham Question: Reflections on The Grand

Titration: Science and Society in East and West等等等等等等等等等等等/3

Author: Zhao Yifeng, Professor, Faculty for the Study of Asian Civilizations, Northeast Normal University,

Changchun, Jilin, China, 130024.

Abstract: Joseph Needham’s The Grand Titration: Science and Society in East and West provides so far the

most systematic answer to the Needham Question, which would contribute significantly to understand the situation and potential of the Ming Qing science and technology, as well as the entire Chinese civilization. This article, first of all, points out that to understand this book, one needs to pay attention to Needham’s methodology, including cautious progressive point of view, anti-Euro-centralism, rejection of the five-stage evolution theory, and structural and civilizational perspectives. Secondly, this article summed up Needham’s explanations into three arguments, namely, Asian bureaucracy was the key institutional obstruction responsible for China’s failure of seeing a scientific and technological revolution; there was a profound gap between ancient and modern sciences; the differences on law of nature and world view between China and the West paved the different roads for Chinese and Western sciences. Further, the article commented Needham’s arguments based upon the author’s own researches in Ming Qing history including pointing out some vague and questionable points of view by Needham.

Key words: Joseph Needham; The Needham Question; Ming Qing China; Chinese and Western science

Title: Methodological Significance of Li Zhenhong’s Theses of “Qin to Qing Imperial Autocratic


Author: Wang Yanhui, Professor, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun,

Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract: Recently, scholars have published different opinions on the general nature of the imperial

Chinese society from Qin to Qing. Among those, Professor Li Zhenhong’s series of articles holding that the Chinese society from Qin to Qing should be considered as a typical “imperial autocratic society” deserves serious attention. Taken political structural of state as the key concept, Li employed both theoretical and empirical methods to develop his theses. Li holds that in dealing with significant historical issues, one must first of all conduct a methodological retrospection; a generalization of the nature of a society must be based upon the ground of solid empirical studies; all types of historical studies take systematical and integrative way of thinking.



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