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关于瓷贴面论文范文 椅旁制作瓷贴面和全瓷冠牙科材料修复前牙效果比较相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:瓷贴面论文 更新时间:2024-03-23


[摘 要] 目的 比较椅旁制作瓷贴面和全瓷冠牙科材料修复前牙的临床效果.方法 回顾分析2014年2月—2015年2月期间在该院诊治的68例前牙修复患者临床资料,将其随机分为对照组和观察组,每组34例患者.对照组患者采用全瓷冠修复,观察组患者采用瓷贴面修复,对比两组患者临床修复效果.结果 对照组修复优良32例,观察组修复优良33例,随访2年,对照组远期修复完好31例,崩折2例,脱落1例,完好率91.17%;观察组远期修复完好29例,崩折3例,脱落2例,完好率85.29%.观察组患者修复优良率、患者满意度、并发症发生率和对照组对比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 瓷贴面和全瓷冠牙科材料修复前牙效果均较为显著,全瓷冠修复的远期完整性效果优于瓷贴面,临床应结合患者具体情况,合理选择使用瓷贴面和全瓷冠进行修复.以实现最佳的修复效果.

[关键词] 瓷贴面;全瓷冠;修复;前牙

[中图分类号] R783 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)07(a)-0118-03

Comparison of Effect of Porcelain Veneer Made by Chair Side and All-ceramic Crown Teeth Materials in Repairing the Anterior Teeth

WU Ping-yang

Department of Aesthetic Rehabilitation, Xiamen Stomatological Hospital, Xiamen, Fujian Province, 361000 China

[Abstract] Objective To compare the clinical effect of porcelain veneer made by chair side and all-ceramic crown teeth materials in repairing the anterior teeth. Methods 68 cases of patients with anterior teeth repair diagnosed in our hospital from February 2014 to February 2015 were selected and randomly divided into two groups with 34 cases in each, the control group and the observation group respectively adopted the all-ceramic crown repair and porcelain veneer repair, and the clinical repair effect was compared between the two groups. Results In the control group, the repair of 32 cases was excellent and good, in the observation group, the repair of 33 cases was excellent and good, and after 2-year follow-up, 31 cases were complete, 2 cases were fractured and 1 case was slipped and the perfect rate was 91.17%, in the observation group, 29 cases were complete repair, 3 cases were fractured, 2 cases were fractured and the perfect rate was 85.29%, and the differences in the excellent and good rate of repair, satisfactory degree of patients and incidence rate of complications between the two groups were obvious without statistical significance(P>0.05). Conclusion The effect of porcelain veneer made by chair side and all-ceramic crown teeth materials in repairing the anterior teeth is obvious, and the long-term integrity rate of the latter is better than that of the former, and we should rationally select the method according to the practical conditions in order to realize the best repair effect.

[Key words] Porcelain veneer; All-ceramic crown; Repair; Anterior teeth




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2、 容应对职场碰瓷 现实生活中,总会有个别劳动者专门利用企业的管理漏洞,或拒签劳动合同,或找茬诱使企业解除合同,促使企业发生违法行为,以便成功索要双倍工资或经济补偿。

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5、 流光溢彩——鲁山段店瓷窑 目前,鲁山窑与汝窑、钧窑的渊源是古陶瓷学者的热门研究课题之一,这些问题答案的获得,尚待更多考古发掘和科学研究工作的进一步开展。鲁山段店瓷窑(以。

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