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分类:硕士论文 原创主题:女性主义论文 更新时间:2024-04-06


【Abstract】The Revolt of “Mother” is one of Mary E. Wilkins Freeman’s most popular short stories which presents us with a new woman— the rebellious mother. Through analyzing the traditional gender relationship in Penns, and Sarah’s successful revolt, this thesis aims to study the feminist ideas Freeman presented in the story.

【Key words】The Revolt of “Mother”; Patriarchy; subversion

Mary E. Freeman is recognized by readers as a writer of excellent short stories of New England village life. She is best known for the “local color”, such as realistic details, true-to-life characters and dialect. These elements are also present in The Revolt of “Mother”. In this story, a mother, Sarah has been waiting forty years for a new house her husband Adoniram promised her. However, when he got enough money, he preferred to construct a new barn instead of a new house. Sarah tried in vain to make her husband change his mind. Ultimately, while Adoniram went out for horses, Sarah took advantage of this opportunity and moved all the household belongings into the new barn ,thus got the family a new house. When Adoniram came back, he had no choice but to accept the situation. According to Rena Korb, “this short story reached such fame that it is reported that Theodore Roosevelt, who at the time was the governor of New York, recommended that mothers read it ‘for irs strong moral lesson’” (Rena Korb 2002).

“On the surface, this domestic drama may seem comic, and some critics have called it funny. Behind this folksy humor, however, there is a serious subtext” (Marth J. Cutter, 2002). Indeed, many early critics and readers label the story as “comic fantasy”. But many later critics, particularly women, claim that these earlier and primarily masculine readers did it to deny that a woman dares to defy gender roles and eventually succeed in subverting her husband’s status. As a matter of fact, “the wife"s revolt against the will of her husband and the will of her entire town and region touches on very serious issues of female identity and the relationship between the sexes”(Rena Korb 2002). Lots of feminists call the story a declaration of independence if traditional woman. Similarly, from the angle of feminist, this paper is trying to study how the author depicted traditional patriarchy, and also how she deconstructed this patriarchy by the description of the revolt of mother.

The Depiction of Patriarchy

Patriarchy, feminists argue, “privileges power. What is meant by this is that patriarchy regards being masculine and possessing a penis as the norm and builds the social order around masculine sexually”(quoted in 鄭红艳2005: 8). Consequently, the labor division of “outdoor-oriented man and domestic-oriented woman” came into being. Men became the key roles of social activities, thus there is male-dominated culture and male-dominated value system.. Therefore, the whole society share the same view: “Humanity is male and man defines woman not in herself but as relative to him; she is not regarded as autonomous being” (quoted in 郑红艳2005: 8).



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4、 大河湾女性主义解读 摘 要:本文从女性主义视角解读诺贝尔文学獎获得者维·苏·奈保尔的知名作品《大河湾》。在该作品中,有的女性处于社会的底层,遭受着经济的贫困和生活的。

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