快捷分类: 印度文化论文 印度的化学类期刊 中国印度文学比较论文选 印度古代文化的论文 印度比较好中的期刊 印度对华反倾销参考文献

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分类:硕士论文 原创主题:印度论文 更新时间:2024-02-29


It might seem easy treling to a warm country like India when winter’s cold fangs are nipping at one’s heels.1 Mumbai, the capital and “Gateway” to this part of the orient was my city of choice.2 Before this trip I had become familiar with India food. Enjoying Tempura dishes and spicy curry laden menus, was posing no problem.3 Like many people, I had also seen Bollywood musical flicks, Hollywood movies like A Passages to India, and Slumdog Millionaire.4 I assumed my preparations were adequate and believed there would be no surprises.

At the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, hungrystaring eyes bore through me, as a human throng buzzed with excitement.5 Many hands held signs of personalized welcomes.6 Mysterious “hijabs7” cover heads of most females. These are the many Muslims among the religious Hindus.8 Many men wear thick beards. Skin colors range from lightly tanned yellow, to virtually black.9 So many people! But no one is waiting there for me. Straining my tired eyes for the promised hotel shuttle pickup proves fruitless.10 Thus, came my first shock of reality. Guards at the gate are firmly against the idea of my turning back. I will he to find my own way to the hotel. Eventually, a tie-wearing gentleman flashes an official looking badge saying that he will help me get to the hotel.11 He then pairs me with another guy, and gives him the hotel address. This new fellow takes me on a long foot journey underneath the airport waiting area.

“Which one do you like?”

He asks as his arm wes in a short sweeping motion at the row of parked vehicles. But his words come out so fast they sound like a foreign language. I ask him to repeat himself.

“What did you say?”

Now he rephrases12 his question.

“Do you want the all size or bigger car?”

In front of me are large sedans, jeeps, and tiny bug-like BYD’s.13

“Small is fine.”

In India passengers pay in advance based on destination. Understanding English spoken by most India people I meet will present a new challenge. English is my native tongue, but most of the time in this country I will find stylistic rhythms or word stresses throw me off.14 Punjab and Hindi are at least two of the languages spoken here.15

As we drive toward the city, a quiet deadness of the early morning forces me to hit the window button letting in fresh air. The clean, cool ell off the sea nearby is invigorating16. It is nice feeling the mild breeze wraps around my head like a welcome warm caress.17 I inhale18 the fresh air deeply. I can hardly wait to get to the hotel and sleep.



1、 三大攻坚战成2018年审计工作重点(1) 表彰决定要求,全国各级审计机关和广大审计人员要认真学习受表彰单位的先进经验,加大对党中央国务院最关心、与人民群众切身利益最直接、与经济社会平稳健。

2、 提单瑕疵出口退税法院缘何区别对待(1) (3)增加出口单证排除骗税疑点的规定。12号公告第五条第(五)项第3目规定,出口货物报关单、出口发票、海运提单等出口单证的商品名称、数量、金额等。

3、 金融业代销服务增值税应如何处理(1) (五)客戶接受分公司开票,但向总公司付款,能否抵扣进项税金?解析:可以抵扣。这涉及到三流合一的老问题。问题起源于国家税务总局《关于加强增值税。

4、 六个一给社会减负契约精神为民资护航(1) 3月20日,十三届全国人大一次会议在北京人民大会堂举行记者会,国务院总理李克强应大会发言人张业遂邀请会见中外记者,并回答了记者提问。记者会上,李。

5、 我国将规范政府财报会计调整、负债处理(1) 为加快推进政府会计改革,建立健全政府会计准则体系,财政部于4月19日、24日分别印发了《政府会计准则第X号——会计调整(征求意见稿)》(以下简称。

6、 三只手舞蹈之印度农村调查(上) 对印度的第一印象,即是“多元而不合一”,这体现在其文化、宗教、种族、语言、制度、党派等诸多方面;第二印象,则是常有穷人和你们同在。通过对印度三个。