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分类:硕士论文 原创主题:谷歌面试论文 更新时间:2024-02-25


Google engineer Neil Fraser got a bit of a surprise when he visited Vietnam recently to see how schools teach ICT: kids in 11th grade are capable of passing the notoriously difficult Google interview process.

Fraser blogged about his trip, which ostensibly seems to have been a fact-finding mission involving him turning up unannounced at various primary and high school classes to see what the students are being taught.

Wandering into an 11th grade high school class he found kids were studying the following problem: Given a data file describing a maze with diagonal walls, count the number of enclosed areas, and measure the size of the largest one.

Suitably impressed, Fraser then asked a senior engineer back home how the question would rank on a Google interview. Here’s what emerged:

Without knowing the source of the question, he judged that this would be in the top third. The class had 45 minutes to design a solution and implement it in Pascal. Most of them finished, and a few just needed another five minutes. There is no question that half of the students in that 11th grade class could pass the Google interview process.

Vietnam exposes its kids early on to computers and programming, with schools, teachers, and parents apparently eager for them to learn in a way that isn’t mirrored in the US, or presumably the UK.

Fraser finds that computer classes start with the basics in Grade Two, by the following year students are learning how to use Windows XP—apparently ubiquitous in the country, while Grade Four sees them begin programming in Logo, starting with sequences of commands, then progressing to loops. By Grade Five they are “writing procedures containing loops”.

By comparison, at San Francisco’s magnet school for science and technology (Galileo Academy) 11th and 12th grade students struggle with HTML’s image tag, while loops and conditionals were “poorly understood”, and computer science homework is banned by the school board, said Fraser.

If nothing else, this snapshot into the Vietnamese school system shows what can be done despite limited funds.







弗雷泽发现,越南学生从2年级开始学习计算机基础知识,到3年级就学习如何使用Windows XP——显然是在全国普及,4年级学生学习编程的标识代码,从命令组再进步到循环结构,到5年级学生就要“编写包含循环结构的程序”.





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