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分类:硕士论文 原创主题:Module4Carnival论文 更新时间:2024-02-26



hide vt. 掩藏;躲藏

book vt. 预订

mark vt. 标志(着)

transport vt. 运输;运送

import vt. 引进;进口

abolish vt. 废除

unite vt. 联合


1. hide vt. 掩藏,隐瞒(尤指感情);躲藏,躲避; 藏住She struggled to hide her disappointment.她竭力掩饰她的失望.I hid under the bed.我躲藏在床底下.He hid the letter in a drawer.他把信藏在抽屉里.1) hide and seek 捉迷藏They spent the whole evening together playing hide and seek.他们花了整个晚上一起玩捉迷藏.2) hide one’s head (因感到羞耻等)抬不起头来, (因害羞)把脸藏起来The teacher found out that Tom had cheated in the exam, and Tom hid his head.老师发现汤姆在考试中 ,汤姆难为情地低下了头.2. pretend vi. 假装,佯装(1) pretend to do sth 假装做某事He pretended not to notice.他假装没有注意到.(2) pretend that + 从句We pretended that nothing had happened.我们假装什么事也没发生过.(3) pretend + n.She pretended an interest she did not feel.她毫无兴趣却装作有兴趣.pretend to 妄求,自封I can’t pretend to any great musical talent.我不能妄称自己多有音乐天赋.3. memory n. 记忆,回忆(可数); 记忆力,记性(可数、不可数)I have vivid memories of my grandparents.我依然清楚地记得我的祖父母.People have short memories.人们是健忘的.Are you sure? Memory can play tricks on you.你肯定吗?记忆也会捉弄人的.1) from memory 根据记忆The little boy can recite the whole poem from memory.这个小男孩能凭记忆背诵全诗.2) in memory of... /to the memory of... 为纪念等He founded the charity in memory of his late wife.他创办了这一慈善事业以纪念他已故的妻子.The monument was built to the memory of the national hero.这座纪念碑是为纪念那位民族英雄而建造的.memorize/memorise vt. 记忆,记住memorable adj. 值得纪念的,难忘的4. book vt. (向旅馆、饭店、戏院等)预订,预约 n. 书;本子I’d like to book a table for two for 8 o’clock tonight.我想订一张今晚8点钟的二人餐桌.She’s reading a book written by Stephen King.她正在读史蒂芬·金写的一本书.1) book down 记账,登记Every sum of money paid or received must be booked down immediately.每一笔支付或收到的钱必须马上做登记.2) book in/into sth 到(旅馆等)办理入住手续I got in at ten and booked straight into a hotel.我十点钟到达后直接到一家旅馆办理了住宿手续.3) book up 全部订完(没有空位置、房间等)I’m sorry the hotel is booked up.对不起,这家酒店已经没有空房间了.booking n. 预订bookable adj. 可预订的bookish adj. 书呆子气的,学究似的5. mark vt. 标志(着);作记号,作标记His death marked the end of an era.他的去世标志着一个时代的结束.The box of eggs was marked“Take With Care”.装蛋的盒子上标着“小心拿放”.1) mark...on... 在等上标出等Mark the place on the map.在地图上标出这个地方.2) mark...with... 用等标出等Mark the place with a cross.打叉标出这个地方.3) mark sth down/up (把价格、分数)降低/提高All goods have been marked down by 15%.所有商品都打了八五折.Share prices were marked up as soon as trading started.交易一开始,股票价格就涨了上去.4) mark sth off 划出,划分开The playing area was marked off with a white line.运动场地用白线划分出来.6. trade n. 贸易,买卖 vi. 做买卖,从事贸易Trade between the two countries has increased.两国间的贸易增多了.Our products are now traded worldwide.我们的产品现在正销往世界各地.1) trade in sth 做等买卖The firm openly traded in arms.这家公司公开买卖军火.2) trade with sb 和某人做买卖Early explorers traded directly with the Indians.早期的探险者直接和印第安人进行交易.7. transport vt.(用交通工具)运输,运送;(以自 然方式)输送,传播 n. 运输,运送;交通运输系统;交通 辆,运输工具(不可数)Most of our luggage was transported by sea.我们的大部分行李都是海运的.The seeds are transported by the wind.这些种子是由风传播的.The goods were damaged during transport.货物在运输期间受损.The government has already given the new transport policy.政府已经给出了新的交通运输政策.His bike is his only means of transport.自行车是他唯一的交通工具.transportation n. 运输,运送;交通(不可数)transportable adj. 可运输的,可运送的8. master n. 主人,雇主 v. 精通,掌握;控制(情绪)I’m sorry the master is away on business.对不起,主人出差了.French was a language he had never mastered.他一直没有掌握好法语这门语言.She struggled hard to master her temper.她竭力按住性子,不发脾气.1) master of 能手,擅长等者Jim is a master of disguise.吉姆是个精于伪装的人.2) be master of 控制,掌握He is master of the situation.他控制着局面.9. unite vt.(为某事)联合,团结;(和某人或集 体)联结,统一His policy was therefore to see that his enemies didn’t unite any longer.他这一政策就是为了看到敌人以后不再联合起来.The school united its music and theater departments.学校合并了音乐系和戏剧系.1) unite in sth/in doing sth 联合/团结起来做某事Local resident groups have united in opposition to the plan.当地居民团体已经联合起来反对这项计划.We’ll unite in fighting crime.我们将联手打击犯罪.2) unite behind/against sb/sth 团结起来支持/反对 某人/某事Will they unite behind the new leader?他们会团结起来支持新领导人吗?Let us unite against the enemy.让我们团结起来反抗敌人.10. dress up 装扮,打扮;穿上盛装;装饰,修饰The boys were all dressed up as pirates.这些男孩子都装扮成了海盗.There is no need to dress up—come as you are.用不着穿礼服——就穿平时的衣服来吧.However much you try to dress it up, office work is not glamorous.无论你怎么夸饰,办公室工作都不令人向往.11. consist of 由等组成;由等构成The committee consists of ten persons.委员会由十人组成.Their daily diet consists largely of vegetables.他们的日常饮食以蔬菜为主.consist in 存在于,在于The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings.这座城市的美就在于它那些宏伟的建筑.True education doesn’t consist in simply teaching the fact.真正的教育并不在于简单地讲授事实.




